[center][color=CCCC22][h3]Jub the Peculiar[/h3][/color][/center] While Jub had partially assumed that, with those hooves, Vansel would prove a far surer climber than himself, he hadn't quite envisioned the manner in which the satyr would get them out of the cage. He made a few panicked yelps as they started swinging back and forth, and the motion caused his stomach to threaten to spew up the stew he had consumed earlier. Thankfully, he was able to keep it down and soon enough they were back on more solid ground. Once Vansel had taken him off his shoulders, he took a moment to take a few deep calming breathes and waited for his nerves (and stomach) to settle down before trying to speak. [color=CCCC22]"It was... certainly something,"[/color] Jub eventually responded. [color=CCCC22]"Thank you."[/color] He glanced back down at the cages where Aurora, Gabriel and Zavakri. [color=CCCC22]"Don't worry, friends! I'll figure out some way to get you out..."[/color] He paused before looking back over to Brutrumukk, who apparently was having trouble with large bird. Typical. [color=CCCC22]"I... just need to figure out how I'm going to do that,"[/color] he muttered under his breath. Quickly, he scanned his surroundings, trying to see if there was anything in his vicinity that could be used to open the cage. Upon seeing the crank connected to the cages, Jub turned it in order to bring the remaining cages back up. [hider=OOC]Jub rolls a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/25207]21[/url] in attempt to locat Aurora's thieves tools.[/hider]