[center][color=306EFF][h1]Vola[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [b]Current Location[/b]: Orc Camp [b]Current Activity[/b]: Working with Gren [@Lucius Cypher] to steal the stone hatchet [hr] Vola and Gren had just established their partnership when it was almost cut short as a running orc nearly flattened them in his haste. Barely stopping in time to avoid a crash, Vola sent an absolutely scathing glare after the retreating figure. That’s right keep running you sorry excuse of a – Glancing back at Gren, whether to commiserate about what a mukh the runner was or to suggest continuing their search will remain unknown as she saw the way he froze momentarily before shaking it off. Tilting her head slightly she looked back at the runner’s retreating figure in consideration. Did Gren know that orc? Some of the older orcs have been known to terrorize the Runts for fun, is that what happened? Whatever it was, it’s probably none of her business, so unless Gren brings it up, she’ll keep her nose out of it. Thankfully, she soon had something else to focus on as her ears picked up a rather interesting exchange after the runner interrupted the breakfast of several other orcs. Hmm. From her memories as Vola, Bowbh is a pretty big deal as the camp’s Head Crafter. All of the conversations that she overheard from other orcs thus far has the same consensus. Bowbh makes good stuff. It would be extremely useful to get on his good side. It might be risky, but she and Gren should take a look at that cave in the north. Even if they don’t manage to mine anything, they can always collect some lumber on the way…maybe see about getting some bog ore? Even if the quality isn’t that great, it might make for a semi-decent pickaxe that they can use to get the high-quality stuff… A pat on her shoulder broke her train of thought, and Vola turned her attention back to the larger Runt as he relayed his plan. As he talked, Vola’s eyes took in the mentioned objects, as well as a few others as she mentally played through everything that might go wrong. If they get caught they would be in so much trouble! As Runt’s they were already bottom of the barrel, this would just be painting a target on their back! However…so far they haven’t been able to find anything as useful just lying about and there was only so much time in a day… Okay. Okay! This was most definitely a bad idea and goes against everything that she had just decided a few minutes ago, but they could really use the supplies! Besides, Gren’s plan was actually not that bad, definitely more thought out than what she would expect from an ordinary Runt whose only worldly experience comes from the brood pit. As long as they don’t get too greedy or take anything too valuable, they should be able to get away with it. Giving Gren a slight nod, Vola took a deep breath to steel herself. [color=306EFF]“Alright, yeah, I’ll try to grab the axe then. Lets meet back up outside the camp’s entrance after?”[/color] Walking away from Gren, she made her way casually walked behind the tent where the axe was leaning, keeping an ear out for Gren’s distraction. The second that she heard his voice she peeked out and once she saw that all of the gathered orcs heads were turned, she’ll grab the axe as quietly as she can before making a break for it toward the agreed upon meeting place while trying not to draw any unwanted attention towards herself. This was actually really exhilarating! Vola has never stolen anything in her life before! Maybe she could make a grab for the pouch as well - Yeah, no, how’s that sun feeling Icarus? She should just concentrate on getting the axe. Taking a deep breath from her vantagepoint behind the tent, she prepared herself. As soon as Gren starts talking, the Great Stone Hatchet Caper will start. She can’t afford to make any mistakes…Jehanne definitely wont give her a third chance if she dies on the first day. [hr] [hider=Skills and Equipment] [u][b]Current Skills:[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Ingestion[/b] - [i]After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank.[/i] [*][b]Rune Scribe[/b] - Rank I - [i]Isekai Skill. Normally, this Skill requires the User to be capable of at least one other Magic Skill. Use a personal writing system to imbue magical effects. At Rank I, the scribed Rune has only half the effectiveness of the original Spell and fades after 1 day. (For example, one could use this with a piece of parchment to produce a consumable Scroll of Fire Bolt--or place the Rune somewhere in the environment with certain spells to create a sort of booby-trap.)[/i] [*]Empty Skill Slot [*]Empty Skill Slot[/list] [u][b]Equipment and Inventory:[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Swaddling Pelts[/b] - Equip, Clothes - [i]Old animal skins used to keep an Orc baby warm as they sleep. Once the Runt is old enough to start hunting, these are usually just enough to cover the parts that need the most covering.[/i] [*][b]Wooden Stick[/b] - Equip, Weapon/Tool, Material Component - [i]A wooden stick. From a tree. That's...that's all there is to it. Can be thrown.[/i] [*][b]Sharp Rock[/b] - Equip, Weapon/Tool, Material Component - [i]A rock with a slightly sharp edge. Useful as a primitive knife or chisel. Can be thrown.[/i][/list] [/hider] [hider=Current Quest] [b] Quest[/b]: Hunt for Food! [b]Optional Quests Available[/b]:[list][*]Gather wood for Bowbh’s forges. [*]Gather ore for Bowbh’s forges.[list] [*]Optional: Gather Bog Ore [*]Optional: Gather Cave Ore [*]Optional: Bring Bowbh high quality ore.[/list] [*]Discover the North Cave[/list] [b]Target[/b]: Random [/hider]