As a new day dawned on the shores of a certain beach where a certain research facility was located, said staff members of that research facility were just going about their daily routine as usual. Some were designated to deal with checking in on the merfolk while others were responsible for setting up the experiments for the day. However, soon enough, a group of four unexpected arrivals were brought to the facility and all four of them were tangled up in a ghost net. Of course, there was tension between Firion, a seemingly 18 year old merman with silver hair and Tidus, a blonde merman who was currently trying to get out of the ghost net that he and the other three were trapped in. While neither of them chose to speak for the time being, it was slightly obvious from the ensuing tension that neither of them seemed to be rather thrilled about what had happened. However, it wasn’t until Tidus’s latest escape attempt that Firion had spoken up. “Tidus, I swear to the gods, stop making the situation worse! You’ve already made the net tighter around all of us and have already caused it to draw blood so stop making it worse.” Firion hissed at Tidus. He was not in the mood to deal with Tidus’s escape antics and had several bloody cuts on his tail and upper body that were a result of the net cutting deep enough to draw blood. Of course, while these injuries meant that he would be unable to even shift back into his human form, the other three that were in the net with him all had similar injuries. “Oh shut up! I don’t want to be stuck in this net and I will do everything I can to escape it! You can’t stop me, Firion!” Tidus said. While he was very determined to escape the net much to the dismay of Firion and Vaan, he once again tried to get out of the net which only resulted in it cutting deeper into his flesh although the other three also had to deal with the consequences of becoming more tangled up in the net although this was enough to get Vaan to speak up. “T-Tidus… please stop trying to get out of the net… You’re only harming yourself and the rest of us with your escape attempts so please stop trying to get out of the net on your own… It really isn’t helping anyone…” Vaan said softly. While he did have various cuts on him that were caused by the net, there was also a few trails of blood that were dripping down the ends of his tail fin as well although this also left the floor that they all were on slightly stained as well. However, out of the four who were trapped within the net, Bartz had opted to stay silent for whatever reason.