“But Vaaaan, I don’t like being stuck in the net! I just want to get out!” Tidus said. While he had resorted to slightly whining a little about how much he hated being stuck in the net, he also inadvertently ended up annoying Firion who secretly wished that he would stop trying to get out of the net. However, he also ended up glancing over at Vaan as he spoke as well. “Well, I understand that you don’t like the net. None of us do but I’m sure that somebody will get us out of here eventually. Besides, it’s not like we’re doomed to spend all eternity caught up in a net although I do wonder why the surface dwellers don’t really seem to pick up their trash that they leave in the ocean. There are many tales of even the mightiest of whales being caught up in the same net that we’re stuck in although in our case, we were lucky enough to have someone there to get us off of the beach when we washed up.” Vaan said. While under any normal circumstances, he would have attempted to hug the blonde merman, he didn’t want to risk becoming more tangled up in the net nor did he want to risk jeopardizing anyone else who was caught up in the net with him. However, he was also met with complete silence from Tidus as if the merman had understood what he was saying. Upon noticing the newfound silence, a rather grateful Firion ended up glancing over at Vaan and Tidus. While he was grateful that V had managed to temporarily de-escalate the situation, he was also silently wondering how long that would end up lasting. However, he also ended up glancing over at Bartz as well who still appeared to be slightly stressed about the current situation and eventually, decided to talk to him. “Hey Bartz, are you alright? You’ve been more silent than usual and if I’m being honest, it’s quite concerning. You’re usually really cheerful and often wander off to do your own thing however, today, you don’t really seem to be that way. Is anything the matter?” He asked Bartz. While the young wanderer’s silence seemed to greatly concern him, he was also worried about his wellbeing as well hence the reason why he decided to ask him if he was alright. However, he was met with silence during the first few moments of him asking the question but eventually, Bartz ended up giving him an answer. “I-I’m fine, Firion… It’s just that… I… don’t want to be stuck in this net anymore…” Bartz muttered softly. While he did in fact answer Firion’s question, he also didn’t seem to be too willing to speak beyond the initial answer either as he slowly moved to attempt to curl up. However, upon feeling a sharp pain that was associated with the net cutting deeper into his flesh, he stopped moving and only remained there motionlesly.