Ivan, who had been sent to investigate the net, approached the four of the merfolk. He noticed how Tidus was the one doing most of the trying to escape. "Need a bit of help there?" He called, pausing a few feet away from the merfolk. He hadn't been notified that a net was tangled, but he'd probably just zoned out and missed the radio call. He missed most radio calls. Meanwhile... “Please, Alice! I wanna play!” This time Emerie used a whiny tone, which finally got Alice's attention. Alice sighed and turned to the girl, who was now sitting on the bed in her enclosure. “No, 34. Why don’t you think of a story you can tell me later?” Alice’s tone was humoring as if she was speaking to a small child instead of a teenager. [i]It’s probably because there are no guards right now. Or Alice would have had me silenced, right? Or maybe she’s actually so sick of me that she’ll do anything to shut me up… I should find out,[/i] Emerie thought upon hearing Alice’s tone. “But stories are boring! I wanna play a gameee!” Emerie whined, finding that her whiny voice was getting her what she wanted today even though it normally just got her shot with a taser and silenced almost immediately. “Not right now, 34. I have others to attend to, not just you,” Alice tried to keep her voice even, though she failed.