“Some help would be nice. Besides, Tidus kind of… made the whole net situation worse but I can understand him not wanting to be stuck here. However, his escape attempts have just been making the situation worse for the rest of us who are tangled up in the net.” Vaan said before he realized that Tidus had once again attempted to escape from the net. While this most recent escape attempt only caused the net to harm the four trapped within it more, it also ended up annoying Firion who quickly gave Tidus a death glare in order to get him to stop thrashing around in the net. “Just great… He started up the escape attempts again… Just my luck…” Firion muttered softly as he glared at Tidus. He was clearly not amused about the current escape attempt and as a result, ended up quickly glaring at Tidus as well in an attempt to get him to stop trying to get out of the net. While this did nothing to help the current situation, it also ended up showing his annoyance with Tidus’s constant escape attempts as well. However, it wasn’t long until Bartz had spoken up again. “Please… make it stop… I-I don’t like how much the net is harming us…” Bartz muttered softly. Judging by his current statement, it was clear that he was in some sort of pain from Tidus’s escape attempts and as a result, had decided to speak up about it when the net started to create more bloody wounds on him.