“Why the hell was I the one who got pulled out of the net last! It’s not fair!” Tidus growled softly. While he was grateful to be out of the net, he also ended up tapping the end of his tail against the ground out of annoyance at being the last one pulled out of the net. However, aside from the tail tap of disapproval, he didn’t seem to do anything else that showed that he was annoyed at the situation. “Thank you… I wasn’t sure how much longer we would be trapped in that net however, I still worry about Bartz. He’s got quite a few injuries from being stuck in that net so if you know of someone who knows how to deal with wounds, please ask them for some help. I would do it myself preferably but… we can’t really shift into our human forms if we’re injured…” Firion said. While he was now sitting up on the floor, he was also glancing over at Bartz and Vaan who were both just as injured as he was. “Thanks so much! We won’t have to deal with Tidus making the whole being stuck in a net situation a whole lot worse than it would have been however, I am curious about something. Why did you cut him out of the net last? It kind of doesn’t make a whole lot of sense without some sort of logic behind it.” Vaan said. While he was unsure about why Tidus had been cut free from the net last, he was also curious as to where he and the other three were exactly.