Tidus only ended up backing away from the tube of cream and ended up quickly backing up to another wall. While this meant that there was now a red trail going from one wall to the other, he didn’t seem to be too keen on playing any sort of game hence the reason why he was behaving rather aggressively when compared to earlier behaviors. He also seemed to be unsure of what had been dropped in front of him either hence the reason why he appeared to be behaving more defensively than normal. “Why’s he behaving so aggressively? Normally, he’s only like this around his father but is something causing him to behave like this… It’s not normal…” Firion muttered softly as he started to observe Tidus’s actions. While he was unsure as to why the blonde merman was being more aggressive than usual, he also felt slightly uneasy about the more aggressive behavior that Tidus was showing as well. As a result, he chose to remain motionless and only glanced over at Vaan with a look that conveyed a mixture of worry and fear about Tidus’s unusual behavior. “I do not know however, you are right about this not being normal. I also don’t know what could have triggered his anger this time either but it is a little concerning. However, that doesn’t mean that we should approach him either. If he’s rather angry, he’s going to want his space once he calms down so we should probably respect that wish and give him some space in that regard.” Vaan said. While he did look over at Tidus once he finished speaking, he was also made aware of the fact that he seemed to be more on edge than usual which he found to be quite unnerving as well.