[center][h1][b][color=silver]Lazash[/color][/b][/h1][/center] Hmm. A fair plan of attack for their hunt, given the multiple threats around. No desire to pursue the Jackalope due to the imminent threat in front of them, which made logical sense. A familiar feeling bubbled up within the Runt as she took up her rock temporarily set down her stick, the anticipation rippling through her new body's muscles and tendons and bones. It had been some time since she'd felt like this, but there was no sense in getting too excited or jumpy either. Even so, she could almost smell that salty sea breeze once more, feeling the hot sand under her toes as the rays of the cruel sun beat down, and feel the neck of one of those blasted 'normal' chickens from back when in her hands. Yet the rejection of a proper weapon? It brought a brief frown to Lazash's face, but she didn't say anything about the matter as she readied herself in a proper running stance for a burst of quick speed and her hands gripped her sharp rock with a two-handed approach and a well-practiced grip. Yes, they were children. Adults in child bodies, reborn but carrying more over into their new lives than most could hope for. And to what end? What experiment was this supposed to be on the part of those two spirits they'd met along the way into their new lives? Hmm. It mattered not right now either way, as they had to survive before they think about or could do anything else. And that she understood as clear as crystal. As Akeno pushed through the bushes before them and went through, beyond which lied an unknown amount of their prey, Lazash would finally dart off as fast as she could move forward into and through the bushes to the left of where Akeno had entered. Her intent was to bolt through and get the element of, somewhat perhaps, surprise as the martial artist got the attention of the Elwet over there. However- [quote=???]As Akeno grit her teeth and decided to simply burst through the underbrush, she found herself coming face to beak with a large, full bodied chicken bearing not only draconic scales, but pointed antlers and perhaps the meanest gaze ever possessed by a flightless bird. There were four of them in the clearing, pecking at the ground or preening themselves--and every single one of them turned their gaze on the Orc Runt that had just barged into their midst. They were roughly twice as big as any chicken Akeno might've encountered in her lifetime--standing somewhere between 30 and 36 inches tall on average, weighing at least twenty pounds a piece. The one in front of her immediately screamed and jumped back, buffeting her face with its wings as it did so. The next closest released a loud cry of its own, this one of warning rather than surprise, and that seemed to move the other two to more direct action. The one furthest from Akeno turned and started to book it for the nearest bush. And the remaining third member of this little flock opened its beak wide to release a blast like a firework, a small flaming mass that traveled towards the Runt like a baseball pitch--![/quote] With her slight delay in pursuing after Akeno, Lazash would burst through as the Elwet had their attention on the former. She saw the one jumping back from Akeno as it screamed, and heard the warning squawk of the next closest Elwet hit her ears. She saw the third launching a fiery spark out, and the fourth try to run away. To Lazash, then, it was a mere moment to choose her target before things devolved further and she lost too much speed after bursting in to do anything useful. She had to commit to a target, and the original plan wasn't really so viable in the heat of the moment. The closest one to her, from the direction she was coming in from at least, was the one launching the fiery attack at Akeno. Without pausing, then, Lazash darted into the third Elwet as fast as she could and would slam her body weight behind the primitive knife of sorts as she tried to drive it at the chicken's side and likewise into its center of mass as hard as she could. About where a heart could maybe roughly be expected maybe, given the peculiar size of these creatures at least. She hoped she was getting this somewhat right. As the creature's focus was on attacking Akeno, it seemed, she could make a move to take advantage of that with her speed and rock and what body weight she had as a mere Runt. Hit it from its side, rather than charge from the front, and make it pay for its lapse in attention-span in these moments. If she could knock this thing over and stick it with her rock in the process, or at least do something to it with her charge at all to stun or leave it shocked, she'd do her best to wrap her arms around its neck and grab it as tightly as her little body could muster before trying to twist it and break it as she could before it could get around to her (hopefully). If all else failed, and she could grab the neck at least, she would do so in such a case and still grip it just as tightly and with the same neck-breaking intent to boot. [@Zeroth][@ERode][@Kazemitsu][@King Cosmos] [hider=Current Skills/Equipment/Inventory] [b]Current Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Ingestion - After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank. [*]Creature Analysis - Rank I - Upon analyzing a target, information relevant to the chosen type will be displayed. Higher Ranks will grant more detailed information. (For example, using Creature Analysis on a Slime would tell you the most generic, widely known information on Slimes as a species) [*]Empty Skill Slot [*]Empty Skill Slot [/list] [b]Current Equipment and Inventory:[/b] [list] [*]Swaddling Pelts - Equip, Clothes - Old animal skins used to keep an Orc baby warm as they sleep. Once the Runt is old enough to start hunting, these are usually just enough to cover the parts that need the most covering. [*]Wooden Stick - Equip, Weapon/Tool, Material Component - A wooden stick. From a tree. That's...that's all there is to it. Can be thrown. (Was set down on the side of the bushes they started on, for the moment being at least that is.) [*]Sharp Rock - Equip, Weapon/Tool, Material Component - A rock with a slightly sharp edge. Useful as a primitive knife or chisel. Can be thrown. [/list] [/hider]