[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221224/c1f06a4b66cc2f37077542245b490e14.png[/img][/Center] [Right]Cherrygrove City[/Right][hr] As Isaac made his way back to the Pokécenter, he noticed an unusual sight for Cherrygrove: a crowd of people around the center, most looking at their phones. Was there some sort of breaking news going on? Were they trying to record something? Isaac pulled out his own phone, scanning the latest trending news. Nothing in particular jumped out at him. No murders, lost kids, burning buildings, or rampaging Tyranitar. So what was with all the hubbub? His question was quickly answered as several of the people in the crowd pointed in his direction. He then suddenly realized what they were there for. They were there for [i]him[/i]. Someone had probably taken a picture of him while he was previously at the center, and now everyone had gathered to see him. Before they could react, Isaac and Kick found themselves surrounded by at least two dozen fans, waving their phones at them, or pens to get Isaac's autograph. Then the bombardment of questions came in. [b]"Isaac! Is it true you're taking the gym challenge again? Where are the two trainers who are supposed to be with you? Can I get a picture with you? Can I get Kick's autograph?"[/b] Isaac was a little surprised at that last one, but otherwise, this wasn't a rare occurrence. People would usually ask for this kind of stuff all the time. At least they weren't the weird ones who'd ask for Kick's feathers, or anything like that. Isaac raised his hands and made a waving motion away from him. [color=eebc27]"No, I'm not signing autographs, and neither is Kick. We're not staying here for long, we don't have time for this. Go home."[/color] Isaac heard the sound of a phone's camera clicking as he turned to see Kick posing for a picture with a handful of people beside him. Isaac let out a groan. This was not going to be easy. After what felt like an eternity, the crowd had finally dissipated, leaving Isaac and Kick alone on the street. Kick certainly seemed grateful for the attention, but Isaac merely seemed exhausted. He made his way to a nearby bench and slumping back into it, with Kick sitting down next to him. This was a long day, and tomorrow was probably going to be even longer, given how long the road to Violet City was. They could probably make it in a day, but it would likely be sunset by the time they got through the checkpoint. And that's [i]if[/i] Leo or Emma didn't get distracted by who knows what. Speaking of... Where were those damn kids?