A gust of wind tugged at Máire’s hood as the Stoneworks came into view, a mature Nordic manor drowned in green. Rat scampered past her at the sight, his movement tousling her cloak the other way. [b][color=#9e8659]“Look-see Knife-Lady! Stoneworks, Stoneworks, arrived at last! Rat has guided safely, he said he would! Shortcut worked Knife-Lady, shortcut worked!”[/color][/b] He jabbered erratically as he scurried to the safety of the cairn-stones, looping back to run circles around Máire once then twice as she followed after him. [b][color=#640640]”Of course, of course,”[/color][/b] she acquiesced with a sigh. Máire refrained from commenting on the Ripper nest Rat’s “shortcut” had led them through, stretching what should’ve been a 2 hour trip well into the mid-morning. Rat skittered up to the edge of the cairn stones, snout sniffing in the air for a moment as he adjusted the strap holding the sword to his back. His eyes darted to and fro, searching the air above the manor for something. Máire came to stand next to him, following his irregular gaze skyward. Birds? She heard fluttering wingbeats and raucous cries, but saw nothing. Rat flinched suddenly, letting out a yelp and stumbling backward. [b][color=#9e8659]”No! Wrong, wrong, wrong!”[/color][/b] he spluttered, waving his arms plaintively at something around him. [b][color=#9e8659]”Rat is not enemy-foe-adversary! Rat is friend to Erlings! Rat has prowess with the blade! Rat delivers for Fred!”[/color][/b] He shrieked again, diving down to cover his head. Máire could swear she felt something go whipping past her. A sling of blades whipped through the air, forming a curtain around her or Rat. Máire had no idea what was going on, but it was clear Rat was under attack. The man was nervous, but he hadn’t given her cause to expect an episode like this. He peeked one eye open, and then bulged at the sight of Máire’s swords, scrambling to pull free the one strapped to his back. [b][color=#9e8659]”R-Rat has prowess-”[/color][/b] [b][color=#640640]”No,”[/color][/b] Máire commanded, cutting him off. A longsword had manifested itself in her hand. [b][color=#640640]”Stay inside the perimeter. I can’t see what’s attacking you, so you need to be my eyes.”[/color][/b] Rat blustered as he tried to formulate a response, neck on a swivel as he looked from Máire to the sky and back. Máire felt a rush of wind cutting dangerously close to her face, the sensation of talons and feathers brushing the end of her nose. [b][color=#640640]”Rat!”[/color][/b] [b][color=#9e8659]”L-Left! Left”[/color][/b] he shrieked, pointing through Máire’s barricade. There was no hesitation. Her arm guided her blade in a ballet-clean arc from ground to sky, feeling it pass through something that wasn’t quite physical but was unmistakably [i]there.[/i] And in an instant the scene around them changed. A flock of galaxy-painted ravens swarmed the air around them like enraged hornets, dive-bombing the pair and filling the sky with shrill, vicious insults. [b]”TRESPASSER!!”[/b] [b]”VOID-BRINGER!![/b] [b]”DEMON-CALLER!!”[/b] [b][color=#9e8659]”No! No! No!”[/color][/b]Rat protested frantically. [b][color=#9e8659]”Rat works under duress! Templar comes seeking friend, Rat doesn’t call anyone here! Rat delivers for Fred!”[/color][/b] [b][color=#640640]”Enough,”[/color][/b] Máire ordered, raising her free hand lightly to silence her guide. The swords around him doubled themselves, angling themselves upward at the mobbing birds. One drew too close, and she cut it in half with a flick of her wrist. [b][color=#640640]”They aren’t interested in listening.”[/color][/b]