“Well, you know, maybe I don’t need to know the answer right now although I do wonder when they might try to pull me for testing or something like that… It’s always kind of been in their routine to pull some of us here for testing although why are they choosing to bug my neighbor… It doesn’t make any sense…” Hoshi muttered softly as he continued to watch the altercation between Firion and the scientist as it unfolded. He was still quite curious about how it would end and as a result, continued to watch the altercation. However, the merman that had been brought into the lab had attempted to smack one of the scientists that got too close to him with an ice spell before hissing. He was clearly NOT in the mood to be approached at the time hence the reason why he was slightly more aggressive than he usually would be. This was due to the added anxiety and stress of being taken out of a familiar environment which was something that he did not take rather kindly to.