Hello again, fellow writers! I'm back again with another search thread. Seems I have a little extra free time I can dedicate to one or two more stories, depending. So, here I am! I will try to keep my basic rules short and brief, so.. ahem.. -I play female lead characters only, the ones the story really revolves around. As for side characters, or NPCs that are in place to help move things along, I am completely fine playing those if needed. I know trying to write something with just 2 characters can grow stale and boring after a time. -I do enjoy some romance, but I am not entirely up for writing smut scenes. Fade to black is the way to go for me, so take that as you will. -As far as writing is concerned, I do prefer my partner to be able to get in a few paragraphs per post, no one-lining. I know at times, especially during dialogue, replies can be short, and that I can be okay with. But don't expect me to write several lengthy detailed paragraphs and only get one in return. I just expect some effort on your end. Same goes for spelling and grammar. Mine isn't perfect, I don't expect yours to be either. Mistakes happen, but again. Effort. Double check it all before sending. Also, I do have a list of some pre-made characters I've had sitting about. A few of them I'd love to write with and get a story going, so click on the link below and see if anyone might catch your interest. If not, I am more than happy to create a new character for something else entirely. https://befallenpirate.wixsite.com/twystydwhyspyr I think that covers most of what I am expecting. Any other questions can be directed to a PM and perhaps we can work on something together? Thanks for your time to read and checking things out.