The said whirlpool was pulling at the raft, causing a slight panic among the researchers, but it was soon resolved as the raft's emergency motor kicked in and got the researchers safely to sure. The mermaid's last attempt to fully dispose of the researchers was a wave that almost sank the boat, but they did not sink and the mermaid retreated back under the water. Emerie found the researchers bothersome and worthless, which was the only reason the girl fought them. [hr] The researcher looked at Claire's drawing and nodded his approval, reaching into his pocket and taking out a small cookie. It wasn't much, but the girl snatched it almost immediately and nibbled at it, careful not to leave crumbs. Such rewards were rare and often used to taunt Claire if not taken quickly. She was cooperative to a point, but without reward for her cooperation, she was unresponsive. The researcher took the drawing and left. Upon his leaving, the rose perked back up, seemingly blooming again as most of Claire's tension evaporated.