[b]Name:[/b] She goes by Raven. [b]Age:[/b] [i]Avien Years[/i] - 20 [i]Human Years[/i] - 40 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] [i]Avien[/i] The Avien are a race of bird-people who come in many, many different sizes, shapes, colors, and breeds. Though each greatly differ from one another, they all have generally the same form - a body covered in either feathers or oddly shaded skin, digitigrade legs, claws and fangs, tails of some shape or form, triangular ears in different sizes, and normal-looking heads, hair, and faces {for the most part}. Their appearances differ as you go from each creatures' breed of bird. They are generally a neutral race towards any others, only retorting when provoked, and variate depending on their bird breed - some can be very cowardly and fly off at the first sign of danger, while others are aggressive and prefer battling it out with more courage. It's like comparing a harpy eagle to a pigeon. This also gives them some personality traits gained through blood. Their native tongue is of a language too complicated to be replicated or even translated by humankind correctly. Although, they are very fast to learn, and can quickly become fluent in a different language if necessary. They age differently than humans; it takes two human years for a year in Avien age to pass, and therefore makes Raven still as young as a twenty year old would look, despite the fact that she's forty in human years. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/080/e/5/897986785_by_nataliedecorsair-d5yrtl7.jpg[/img] Raven was born as what her name represents - a raven. Or, at least, that is her second breed besides her humanoid genes. Her skin is a midnight black color, and her digitigrade legs are rather thin with slender, four-toed feet, each with sharp claws. The backsides of her calves are fringed with black feathers. Her deft-fingered hands each hold their own long claws on them. She holds long, black-feathered wings on her back. Her neck attains the color of the rest of her skin, up until you reach her chin, which shifts into a very pale, white-ish gray. Her irises are maroon-colored, and are surrounded in a natural shade of pitch black in the hollows of her eye sockets. Her hair is messy and thick, going to her shoulder blades and colored a black similar to her skin color. Her ears are long, narrow, and triangular, usually drooped down, covered in small black feathers and normally hidden underneath her hair. She has a rather long tail with a tuft of soft black hair on the end at her tailbone. [b]Years aboard Precipice:[/b] Born [i]on[/i] the Precipice, but did not originate directly [i]from[/i] the Precipice. [b]Apocalyptic Scenario:[/b] Raven's story is a very unique one that took an immense amount of luck to ever really come to be. She was being carried in an egg by her Avien mother, who was infected by a virus that was turning the population into 'zombies' of sorts - death would come, the virus would reanimate the body, and they'd become mindless killers within hours or even minutes. The mother flew to the highest point she could, and called up to the skies in desperation, pleading for something to save her baby, if not her. Luckily, Precipice heard her pleads, and carried both the mother and the egg that Raven was still inside into the ship. The crew had to restrain her mother and immediately get her into a contained area, where unfortunately, the mother was left to die. Though she went in peace knowing her child was safe. They had to release the body from the ship to eliminate the risk of infection of the strange virus. Raven was raised on the ship, and eventually hatched, turning out to have none of the symptoms of the virus that took her home planet. She was raised and taught English, raised with technology, and is therefore very familiar with Precipice himself, the crew, and the main commander. She was given a special area where she could fly about and perch on not-completely-natural trees, but she doesn't mind if they aren't natural. They're something. [b]Abilities:[/b] She has no supernatural abilities, except for one that seems more naturally attained than anything - infection immunity. She seems to be completely immune to any sort of sickness that would normally befall other species easily. [b]Skills:[/b] She can, of course, fly with the wings on her back. She's a fantastic climber, has great balance, and although she isn't the strongest at all, she's probably the swiftest creature you'll ever come to meet. She's also pretty good at singing and is a great liar. [b]Short Bio:[/b] She didn't have much of a life on her home planet - she was born and nurtured there for only a few months before the infection broke out. After she was saved by Precipice and born on the ship, she was actually taken in very fondly, and managed to be one of the few who grew a rather friendly relationship with the ship itself, with Precipice. She tries to push aside her bashfulness in front of strangers to welcome them, but usually just lets them approach her if they have a question or something rather than approaching them first-hand. [b]Personality:[/b] She's generally a curious creature who has a love for learning. She becomes very friendly in a savvy way to those who develop a close relationship with her, and has a se3nse of enjoyment in delving deep into a person's life and just a person's personage in general. She can be rather sly when she needs to be, collecting information while seeming completely innocent in the process, but she rarely, if not ever brings that talent out to use. She's rather quiet in front of strangers, since they've always had a tendency to intimidate her, and isn't courageous in any aspect, flying off whenever she detects the tiniest hint of danger.