Ok so I have been in really bad funk writing wise lately and I am getting very frustrated by it. I want to write, but it is like my brain isn't connecting the dots and I don't know why. So what I want to do is try and start a RP that I know I enjoy: MxM SOL with lots of fluff and lots of drama! I want to go as cliche as you can imagine. Sooooo I am hoping there is someone out there who is into these sort of RPs as well and would like to help get my creative juices flowing again! Few rules and what not: 1. 18+ (21+ preferred). This is primarily because I am well over 18 and don't feel comfortable RPing with anyone younger than that. 2. Just because it's 18+ does not mean it will be filled with smut. I am not anti-smut, I am more just for smut if it makes sense to the plot. But I will also fade to black. 3. Looking for high casual - advanced writing, though quality is always more important than quantity. But figure somewhere between 3-6 detailed paragraphs. 4. I am not going to require any sort of posting amount because I have been so inconsistent with my own writing. I just want open communication from both of us about when we are likely to post. My hope is I will post 2-3 times a week. The dream would be once daily. 5. If you have to ghost I understand, but I still prefer being told you've lost interest or it's just not working out. And I will return the sentiment. I will be completely honest if I think the RP isn't gonna work out. Please don't take it personal if it doesn't. It just happens. 6. I do do basic character sheets and like having face claims. I am ok with illustrated/anime/photo realistic. Ok I think that's it for rules. In terms of pairings, I'm mostly looking for school SoL RPs. I am ok with high school or college. And I am leaning towards a [b]jock x nerd/outcast[/b] pairing (and I am ok taking either role). But I'd be open to other pairing ideas and even non-school SoL RPs. Feel free to hit me up with your ideas! Sorry this is a vague-ish interest check. And I understand if my confession of being in a writing funk turns most of you away. But hopefully someone will be interested and if you are, PM me!!