[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/909715047918497815/1037211200871731300/Umbri_banner6.png[/img] Umbri splashed her face, wiping off the cold sweats and an odd feeling. Being [i]alone[/i] for the first time since... it must have been since she was last at her apartment, making the decision to run back towards the monster - it was sobering. She shook a tube of eyeliner and leaned in to apply it, striking a thick black line out to her temple. As she dotted highlighter on her nose and outlined her lips, she would pause occasionally, to make a face. She coloured her lips in glossy blue. She checked how she looked when crying. She didn't find any kind of satisfaction with herself before she forced her focus on the stinger. She ran it under water, deshelling it from the crust of gore on its point. She sniffed. The water sprayed violently on the edge of the sink. As she pulled her hand back from under the stream, it was trembling just as fiercely. She shuddered and leaned back, propping her elbows on the sink's rim as she lengthened her back out. She didn't want to, but she thought of the snake. The sound of its roar right next to her ear. The resistance that shot up her arms as her axe bit into its tail. But mostly the terror. The feeling of being hunted still gripped her body, terrorized by both monster and machine. It wasn't going to pass anytime soon. Not unlike the sudden burn in her throat - [color=#A4303F][b][i]"Bleughhh! Huhk...! Ough.. bleh... pah... ah... ah..."[/i][/b][/color] A completely undignified string of splutters and groans accompanied the splashing in the sink. She came out the other end shaking and whimpering. A puddle of glowing sick confronted her at the bottom of the basin. She looked up. Strands of it hung from her lips, and lightning bolts of the radioactive sludge throbbed underneath her skin, creeping in around her temples and cheeks. Her vision blurred, tinged with the same green. The light overhead flickered for a second. When it came back, a visitor joined her reflection. Stabby the Zombie Rat, standing right behind her. She didn't flinch. She hunched over the sink and stared. Goo dripped from their snout not dissimilar to her own. This was it. This would kill her, or she would mutate. Both were bad. Maybe neither had to be. Maybe this Freya would get here in time. Maybe she'd poke her a bit then call another friend. Or [i]maybe[/i]... Her eyes slid to a pair of identical vials she'd set on the other side of the sink. [hr] [i]She didn’t have the time to process what she saw before Shanks jumped. The moment his feet left the carriage, everything flipped. Umbri’s sense of gravity lifted and took her stomach on a ride. They were drawn down, headfirst. Then they passed into the other carriage. Down was up again. His boots slammed down on the floor and Umbri was thrown down with the safe. It toppled, bursting open, and Umbri’s double vision settled onto two shimmering vials that rolled free [color=red][b]within arm's reach.[/b][/color][/i]