[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1053873203296084038/image.png[/img][/center] [color=D68300][hr][/color] [indent][color=lightgray]Having come back to the world of consciousness once people began to move around, Shirik took in everything. Inquisitors, a S’Tor thought mage, more humans? And what looked to be no sign of Silbermine. They stood up, leaning on their staff and did something a most people would never expect a being made of charred wood to be capable of: Stretching. Bark crackled and popped in one place or another, sounding like a loud fireplace for several seconds. Puffs of black smoke And soot were shaken out from places no one dared contemplate, and Shirik walked down to the nearest river for a few minutes. Shirik rejoined the forming crowd shortly after, with a much less blackened cloak and bark that crackled somewhat less than usual. They joined the conversation as seamlessly as a knife wound- Sharpened by their prior understanding of the human language. Gar’Tan could surely work around that. They picked up off of the tail-end of the conversation. [color=d68300]”Silbermine is a warlord. He is a conquerer. His type take what they want and care not for those in the way. You will be victims of this in ways you were not meant to be. Nellara, Kercheck, J’eon and likely these Thought mages are all far too young to remember this, but I am familiar with war. Enough to ensure all present here that this will end in ruin. Warfare may be different for your people, on this “Earth,” but I would not wish it on my worst enemies.”[/color] Assuming Gar’Tan’s magic was capable of conveying emotions as well as intent, the others linked by him would notice irritability coming off of Shirik when they talked about war. It wasn’t rage, but it wasn’t exactly happiness for the subject either. Shirik drew more fiery shapes in the air with one finger, of multiple Glen knights marching towards the mountains. [color=d68300]”The rulers of Mythadia are… Greedy. This religion our translator refers to is their right to rule. The lives of their subjects, their [i]vassals[/i] are disposable so long as a lord can get what he wants. Silbermine is a lord. I won’t promise anything if the Ascendancy. That is Nellara’s responsibility, but they will not allow an excursion into their territory. All we need to do is hold the army of Mythadia back… And as for your question, Ixtarro… No. Very few in Kanth-Aremek are capable of magic.”[/color] Shirik spoke of halting a literal army as though it were as simple as making a cup of tea. Having been there on the Day of Black Clouds, they knew how to fight a war. They were a defender of others in another life. Even though that was a very long time ago, the principals were the same: Push back the enemy, shield the bystanders. Up until now, Shirik had simply been involved partly out of curiosity, and partly because they had nothing better to do. But now? Now this felt personal. [/color] [/indent]