A female scientist, Dr. Alice Rivercot, entered the room where Bartz and Vaan were, clipboard in hand. Her demeanor was void of anything, really, and displayed nothing. "Come, boys," She said simply. [hr] Claire nibbled at the cookie, savoring the taste. She knew it would be a while until she got another reward, but she always made the rewards she was given last for a long time. Her first reward had been the rose- a little bud she'd kept alive until it was fully grown. The flower made her happy, in this place of little joy. She was otherwise motionless however. [hr] Emerie ducked and darted around the water of the lagoon, purely spending energy she needed to get rid of. Her boredom gave her energy, and her energy could be mistaken for joy or some form of positive feeling, but the girl felt nothing. She paused as she let a wave crash onto the shore, then created another and darted below it. This, to her, was the only form of play she ever got, and she was fine with that.