“Wait… is that… a lagoon? What’s one doing indoors like this?” Vaan muttered softly as he glanced over at the lagoon in confusion. While he could not understand why there was a lagoon indoors, he also looked over at Bartz as if asking if he knew why something like a lagoon was indoors. “Bartz, what the hell even is this place…” He muttered softly as he glanced over at Bartz. While the tone in his voice seemed to hint at quite a bit of confusion, he also wanted to know if Bartz knew anything about why there was possibly a lagoon indoors although he was unsure of the response he would get. “Unfortunately, I do not understand why there is a lagoon indoors nor does it tend to make any sense. Bodies of water are typically located outside in certain areas however, the concept of bringing one indoors is entirely unheard of…” Bartz muttered softly. While he tried to answer the question that he had been asked to the best of his ability, he was seemingly unsure of his answer as well. [hr] Eventually, Shiro had stopped being so silent and started to look around his room. While he still seemed to be slightly confused by his surroundings despite being created at the lab, he was also wondering where any other people were. To that extent, he chose to try and call out to see if anyone would answer. “Hello? Is anyone out there?” He said out of curiosity. While he waited for a response, he was unsure if he would end up getting one and as a result, ended up sitting in silence once he had spoken. [hr] Hoshi was still sitting in his room and had eventually placed the pillow that he had back on the bed. While he no longer had to deal with Firion hissing at any of the scientists, he was also starting to silently wonder when he would be taken out of the room as well which was a question that seemed to be silently plaguing him since the beginning of the morning. [hr] “Finally, they’re gone…” Firion muttered softly as he backed away from the door. He seemed to be slightly calmer than he was previously which could be attributed to the fact that he was no longer being bugged by the scientists. However, he was also slightly unsure about how long he would end up having a break from them although he decided not to worry about it too much. [hr] Meanwhile, the merman was still being a nightmare for the scientists and even managed to fire off an ice shard at one of them. He was CLEARLY not happy with his current situation and even after a few moments, would not calm down.