[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TCIH1sn.png[/img] [h2][color=f9ad81]The Sacred Septet[/color][/h2] [/center] [hr] [color=fdc68a]They were summoned together - though two of their sisters had disappeared - the remaining six striding towards their summoner. Their mythic and mystical mother - The solitary scarlet goddess - Anath Homura. Fear felt the truth of her namesake and sought to flee, but abandoning her sisters again sickened her. While walking - they wondered where Harmony had went, and speculated that she seemingly sought their wayward sister, Desire. None amongst them had learned why she left or where she was in the world. The worst soon came when their telepathic connection was suddenly severed without warning too. Fear stumbled... She had become blue, shaped and stained so much more strangely in comparison to the other children of the Creatrix. Courage, Kindness, Curiosity, and Wanderer, all welcomed her altered appearance. Would Anath Homura accept her? They passed through the portal that transferred into the central colossal chamber of the citadel, its infinite characteristics stirred and shifting all around them. The potent presence of their progenitor pulled their attention away from the architecture, and they saw the second set of arms that sprouted from the shoulders of Anath Homura. Almost all of them became bemused by the sight, silently awaiting an answer: All aside from Fear whom fell to the floor and fought against the tears that threatened to spill. She could see him standing there. She could see him staring at them with cold eyes. The tall corpse of Chailiss, gazing upon them with grave-touched cruelty. Pride swiftly and softly tapped her through their connection, seeking to see the truth too. Fear fumbled, having secluded her thoughts for too much time, though soon managed to share her sight. The perspective frightened Pride as well. "We should leave, now!" Pride proclaimed, as Kindness and Wanderer gave aid to Fear, helping her stand. Curiosity tilted her head in confusion, as Courage came up to the Keeper of Keltra and chuckled. "Eh, mother wants to speak with us, pipsqueak. We can't just --- " She said playfully, ruffling the pink hair of their smallest sister, until she suddenly slipped and fell upon the floor too. Sharp and shrill screams began to echo throughout the citadel as Courage clutched her lacerated legs, bleeding profusely while spreading symbols of the Stigma continued to sear her skin. The sound of her voice was suppressed as their surroundings warped and shifted again. "What's happening? Why was Courage hurt?" Curiosity asked, panic pulling her frantic gaze back and forth between her bleeding sister and the serene goddess that stared at them with a single ruby-red eye. [i][b]"Pray Courage, you cannot touch my cherished Pride."[/b][/i] Anath Homura answered, and began to slowly approach them. "We must go!" Pride warned them, and together they worked towards reaching wherever was refuge. There were no doors, no windows, and no alternate paths for escape. Nothing. They were trapped. Kindness and Curiosity carried the wounded Courage, while Wanderer asked aloud where they were going... "Fear! You must fly away! Take them to freedom!" Pride shouted, pushing Fear away when she sought to carry her to safety. Abruptly, the blue-bird princess became barely aware of what was happening... her sisters holding onto her as she sprouted wings and flew through the walls of the fortress. [i][b]"The Keeper of Keltra. My precious Pride. You cannot defend yourself from the divine."[/b][/i] Anath Homura murmured, motioning for her child to come to her.[/color]