[h3][color=thistle]Io[/color] at Kazenosuke's house[/h3] [@AzureKnight] [@Nakushita] [@PaulHaynek] Io's theory proved correct. While he was indeed skilled, Kazenosuke likely had little experience against mages. Unfortunately for him, fighting against mages required just as much knowledge as it did physical skill. Gaining an advantage over their enemy was the perfect time to shore up possibilities. There was no room to be arrogant - it was likely that Kazenosuke had his own plan. After all, why would he continue to fight if the situation was so tilted against him? He must be working towards a contingency, Io was certain. "[color=thistle][b]Do you plan to sew those wounds together yourself?[/b][/color]" Io said, while scanning the area around. There could be a path, or some kind of exit Kazenosuke could try for. "[color=thistle][b]Surrender and I can-[/b][/color]" Io was cut off by Yuki's sudden charge. And of course, before Io could react, Shizuka said something that completely diverted her brainpower. '[color=thistle]Why did he use that phrasing, of all possible things?[/color]' She felt her thought processes accelerate, and in relation, time itself seemed to slow. '[color=thistle]Was it an error? The product of a strange vocabulary? Or is he attempting to distract Yuki with such a strange word? He understands her and her kind enough to make that snap decision? Is he secretly a prodigy in both the sword and in wit?! ...Is his tongue that skilled in-[/color]' Io forcibly diverted her train of thought - she only had moments to prepare for this change in the fight. It was too late for her to halt Yuki, but perhaps Io could put something between the two that could solve multiple problems at once. She quickly mouthed an incantation - even speaking it would take too long - for a cage of magical energy to surround Kazenosuke. It was shoddy spellcraft, and wouldn't last for long, but it was the best Io could form in the moments before Yuki's strike landed. Ideally, it would stop Yuki while still imprisoning Kazenosuke - but Io knew that the situation was far from ideal. She could only hope.