[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3JDMIkL.png[/img][/center][@TheNoCoKid] Renata could barely hear her own light claps against her slushie cup over the raucous cheers. It wasn't that she lacked enthusiasm. She'd spent the past few weeks eagerly looking forward to this day. It was just, how would she go about this? Was there any guarantee she'd even find anything that could be called a treasure? Maera's reaction was much more expressive. With several excited barks, she jumped around, looking up eagerly at Renata and wagging her tail. The very corners of Renata's mouth twitched upwards. [color=5E549E]"I guess now's as good a time as any,"[/color] she murmured, trailing along as Maera bounded down the stairs. Most of the students were already massing at the exits, in groups of course. Something tightened in her belly. Although she liked her own company much of the time, reminders that she still had trouble integrating - even in a much less hostile environment than at her last school - brought a feeling of unease. These thoughts fled as she spotted Harry at the bottom of the stairs, heading towards the campus square. Would he be more willing to talk about the Ruinous Quartet now, without Adam around to sass either of them? [color=5E549E]"Nox,"[/color] she whispered, tapping a Pokeball. In a flash, a Gastly appeared, warily eyeing the crowds. [color=5E549E]"He looks pretty deep in thought."[/color] She pointed to Harry. [color=5E549E]"Slipping through the floor and popping up in front of him should startle him out of it."[/color] Nox, putting on her best mischievous grin, descended and vanished. A few seconds later, her gaseous form billowed up next to Harry - only to meet the glare of his Rufflet. She turned and shot back towards Renata in a smoky blur, a look of abject terror on her face. [color=5E549E]"Hey, it's ok, it's just Striker,"[/color] Renata reassured her. [color=5E549E]"He seems pretty well behaved, and besides, normal types can't do much to you."[/color] Even so, Nox stuck close by Renata as she traipsed into the square. [color=5E549E]"Boo! So,"[/color] Renata said, catching up with Harry, Nox hiding behind her back. [color=5E549E]"The Ruinous Quartet. I take it you do have some idea how to find them? If it helps, I know a few things about myths and history."[/color]