"Now, now, Julene. No need to harsh with your words. I am pure of heart. Believe it or not. Pure in my faith, as it were. And all things require a small of rebirth should they wish to better themselves. Reborn as a better them, at the least." Akyasha mentioned, shrugging a small bit. "Your answer does matter, however. It's a test of personality, truthfully. And an exercise in self introspection." Akyasha smiled, though it seemed a bit more self-sure than the previous times she had done so. "Consider for me, what makes a monster and what makes a man? In my time, I've seen humans turn into monsters but still be human in all but actions and be put down like a beast for it. And I've heard stories of 'monsters' doing more for a human society than they would have done for themselves and be praised." It was not a lie. After all, many of her allied vampires, "monsters" in their own rights, have in the past risen human societies for their own ends. She paused for a moment, allowing Julene to think on it in silence for even the smallest bit of time. "What makes the divide between a monster and human? Is it a sense of community and belonging?" A shake of her head. "A moral sense of right and wrong?" Again, a shake. "Perhaps is it looks and ability alone? A more inhuman appearance makes one more of a monster?" A shrug this time. "You may have no intentions to become a monster, but what if you needed the power?" Akyasha questioned. "Would you rather die if you could grasp at the power to let you continue existing? Those around you?" Akyasha looked interested in what Julene would answer. Though, she wasn't really sure what she was expecting.