[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/xC5YjVJWYVLtzVLzqskMAdLcZ1eSTk8gYr-2H6iIpEE/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/230130/91d40e48b7c17b05912bd8f581fda8bd.png[/img][/center] [color=00ffff][b]Location[/b][/color] Bank, 5th floor [color=00ffff][b]Interactions[/b][/color] Nymph, Quiver, and Metamorph [hr] Was it normal for mission leaders to go rogue like this? It must've been if Rain was so quick to step up- Or maybe it was just Rain being Rain. Cora followed behind Nymph and Quiver, who she wasn't entirely sure she could trust just yet. They quickly descended to the fifth floor where it seemed that all hell had broken loose. [color=00ffff]"Stormcaller to team- We're here. This place is a mess. Someone was here and they tore the place up. It's like-"[/color] Stormcaller said, looking around quickly. Someone was still here, and they were barely alive. [color=00ffff]"What happened here?"[/color] She asked, thinking the guy was intact enough to speak. But he wasn't. Mostly because Metamorph appeared out of thin air, right on top of him. Cora had never seen him that way, and it made the hairs on her neck stand up. He was covered in blood, and he had the presence of a wild animal rather than their friend. Metamorph was one of the more physically dangerous members on the team- If anyone could resort to this level of brute force, it had to have been him. [color=00ffff]"What- Metamorph, what happened to you?"[/color] She floated backwards, intimidated by whatever had come over him. Nymph didn't seem so scared him. Nymph and Stormcaller weren't that familiar just yet, but she definitely seemed a bit more badass in Cora's eyes now. She shot Quiver a similar look from behind her helmet. [color=00ffff]"Just... Let her do whatever she's doing. They know each other. They're closer."[/color] It seemed to be working. Whatever had overtaken Kila seemed to be visibly slipping away as she calmed him down. Maybe this situation could be salvaged after all. Maybe they could even- [i]Ding[/i] Guards came in, drawing their guns, and Stormcaller immediately floated about six inches off of the ground, with her hands outwards to blast them. Static filled the air as blinding bolts of lightning arced forward to hit all of them before they could fan out and surround the four of them. It was effectively the same thing she did to the other robber upstairs, only a bit more powerful, hoping she could take them all out in one go. Then again, they weren’t made of metal, so it wasn’t likely she’d stun all of them perfectly.