[COLOR=GRAy][hr][CENTER][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1070792705547980842/1080131799591686314/Haleigh_Banner.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=SILVER][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Trial Campground[/I] - [I]Southern Plateau, Dundas Island[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=SILVER][b]The Homecoming Trials #1.56[/b][/COLOR] [I]Team 21 Ain't Alright[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][color=SILVER][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]Calliope [@PatientBean], Banjo [@Hound55] and Iñigo [@Mao Mao][/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=SILVER][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Camping with the Devil[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT]Before her newfound partner could respond, the duo had been approached by one of their teammates; a woman by the name of Calliope. Of course, another member of team Blackjack that had been more or less a total stranger to Haleigh. She'd been offering to help out with their tent construction, seemingly done with theirs already—a fact Haleigh was astounded by. Tents like these were annoying to set up, yet they already had their tent up. Was Calliope, or rather her partner, also a camping aficionado? Her curiosity had been peaked, eager to pick their mind of all the potential camping knowledge they had. [color=d94a3f]"It'd go by faster if we had more hands."[/color] Haleigh replied, taking a momentary glance in her partner's direction. Although Haleigh knew her way around a tent, more hands would certainly pitch it up much faster than her partner and her wheelchair-bound self could've. [color=d94a3f]"Haleigh; it's nice to meet you, Calliope."[/color] As Haleigh introduced herself once more, another of their teammates joined in on the conversation. This time it'd been Banjo, the speedo-streaker. Or so Haleigh remembered from earlier. With a stylized wave, he gave Haleigh a figurative nudge, directing her attention towards the lever within the tent bag. Wait. Lever? What lever? Haleigh immediately dug around inside the bag, her eyes staring right at, indeed, a lever, apparently designed to inflate the tent as Banjo mentioned. [color=d94a3f][i]Ohgodimgoingtobesickwhyistherealeverherewhatthehellisthissupposedtobethisisntcampingiwouldliketohaveawordwiththedirectorwhoseideawasthiswhospentmoneyonthisabhorrentabominationthisisaninsulttocamperseverywhereisthissuposedtebeajokeisthisjustacrueljokebeingplayedonmefirstyoumakemeglampandnowyouremovethesatisifactionofputtingittogetherwithyourownhandsrichpeopleneedtobestoppedthisisnonsenseamisupposedtoexpectabutlertocomewiththistoodoesitcomewithathreecoursemealandthefinestchampagnewhataboutakingsizebedhuhareyouguystoogoodforsleepingbagsjesuswhatthefuck—[/i][/color] And so on. Her mind raced, going in loops like a NASCAR driver doing left-turns for hundreds of laps. She wanted to scream. This wasn't right. This wasn't okay. The outdoors was one of the few [i]good[/i] things Haleigh still had in this world since she developed her powers, and P.R.C.U. ruined it! They said they'd help her, not destroy the very things she still loved! Turning around, Haleigh opened her mouth to say something. Before she could get a word out, however, all hell broke loose, spewing in her direction like a tsunami of hatred and anger. [color=799E5E]"I have dealt with my fair share of obnoxious tourists who have overstayed their welcome. But if you're fine with him around, then let's focus on this pretentious tent and be done with it before it's too dark to see."[/color] [color=darkgoldenrod]"Right, listen [i]mate[/i]. You were just dealing with me at the peak of my civility, because I was trying to make a good first impression. But we've pissed that away, so how about I just settle for making myself understood..."[/color] Haleigh sat in silence as Banjo let loose, going off on Iñigo, and to an extent herself and Calliope as well. She desperately wanted to interject, but Haleigh was at a loss of words. What was she supposed to say? More importantly, what the [b]hell[/b] had happened just now? Why were Iñigo and Banjo so clearly angry at each other? She could only manage a few words, but they were enough to get her point across. [color=d94a3f]"What the [i][b]fuck[/b][/i] is wrong with you guys?"[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT][/color]