[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WGZ0f1u.png[/img][/center] [color=lavender][color=pink]Time:[/color] Evening [color=pink]Location:[/color] Sorian Park Dinner Under Fireworks [color=pink]Interactions:[/color] [@Reuseable Sword] Roman, [@Mole] Prince Felix, [@Conscripts] John, [@Helo] Leo [@JJ Doe] Fritz [color=pink]Aesthetic:[/color] [url=i.imgur.com/E1C90Dr.png]Dress[/url], [url=i.imgur.com/hinzx0l.png]Hair[/url], [url=i.imgur.com/qRcOvjj.png]Flower Crown[/url], [url=i.imgur.com/7PuhG4w.png]Purple Flats[/url] [/color][hr] [center][color=lavender]Finally, it was evening! Sadie hummed to herself as she observed her event. When she heard there would be fireworks, she jumped into the air with a yell of joy. Fireworks were gorgeous! This would be the perfect opportunity to meet up with the Varians. Princess Sadie's guests would have no trouble finding her. She assembled the largest collection of picnic blankets in the park. They were laid out in a large square neatly on a small hill near the front of the park, to the side, creating a cozy and inviting seating area. Alongside the blankets, she had also brought an ample supply of plush pillows and an array of delicious food. She had bought food from all the stands at the festival (and subsequently, emptied all of them so the stall owners pockets were full). While Sadie waited, she had all the food set up in tiny baskets. There were several types of refreshments, such as water, wine, beer and fruit juice. Now, all that was left was for her guests to arrive. She played with the fabric of her dress and adjusted her pink floral crown. Every few minutes she glanced around with anticipation. [/color][/center]