[img]https://i.imgur.com/4uuThLm.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/909715047918497815/1037211200871731300/Umbri_banner6.png[/img] [b][i][color=DarkMagenta](Jemma’s)[/color][/i][/b] head whipped back around to glare at Koba and Graham, temporarily ignoring Alex for a second. [b][color=DarkMagenta]“Y’don’t leave a fuckin fixin’ MID SURGERY! That’s SO BAD FOR LITERALLY ANYONE!”[/color][/b] Koba and Graham shrunk, the latter scratching his head sheepishly with his toes. For someone so small, Jemma had a voice like thunder. Temujin watched as Jemma's form roiled and twisted before him. She grew and twisted and shifted from form to form, shape to shape, embodying aspects of a myriad different creatures. It was like a fever dream, or at least, how he understood what fever dreams to be. [color=DC091C][b]"What… what the hell?"[/b][/color] Temujin's sensors honed in on her. His eyes saw what they needed. But his ears… they dug deep beneath the surface. And found more than they bargained for. [color=DC091C][b]"Oh, FUCK!"[/b][/color] A whirlpool, a death-rattling choir, a thousand pages turned and ripped, blended in a ghastly cocktail that overwhelmed his sensors with static. [color=DC091C][b]"Hey- Hey, Sex Worker! GET AWAY FROM THAT THING!"[/b][/color] Temujin screamed and flailed his useless stumps, quietly realising that he had never asked for her name. [color=DC091C][b]"These readings… I know them."[/b][/color] There was a seeth to his voice. He cross-referenced the data with a recent encounter. 90% match. [color=DC091C][b]"I fought this aberration outside the Stoneworks. It's dangerous, unstable, and [i]should be contained!"[/i][/b][/color] He declared, directing that last part towards Alex. Umbri breathed heavily as she gazed back into the woman's many eyes. The shift she'd gone through was everything she had felt to expect yet absolutely incomprehensible all at once. She stretched over her. Umbri flicked her eyes to her mouth and the needle-like fangs within it, subconsciously. The feeling of being in the position of prey was inescapable, no matter the woman's assurance that she was not. Temujin's warning pulled her back. But despite the knowledge that he'd encountered the shifter before, there wasn't anything else Umbri didn't know from just [i]looking[/i] at her. Dangerous. Unstable. Should be in containment. [i]The way she was kept by the fire warden?[/i] She shook her head in a sudden jerk, banishing Temujin's assertions. [color=#A4303F][b]"Temujin, for once, can you not run your mouth?!"[/b][/color] She barked at him, not taking her eyes off the predator. The idiot was going to send the shifter spiraling if he kept rambling. She sucked in a thin breath, not completely believing the words she muttered out, [color=#A4303F][b]"You heard her. She doesn't want to eat people anymore."[/b][/color] [color=DC091C][b]"I don't trust it! The risk is too great. What's not to say it will change its mind and-" [/b][/color] [color=#A4303F][b]"TEM!"[/b][/color] She exploded. She glared over her shoulder, her eyes wide and showing their whites, their desperate and furious message unmistakable - [i]Do. Not. FUCK. This. For. Me.[/i] Temujin hung his head, his mask glowering with quiet, yet begrudging submission. Umbri composed herself as she turned back. Her fingers wrapped around the integral piece to her plan. It was a long shot. About a thirty-feet longer... shot. One that she didn't even know if the shifter had the capabilities for. She tried not to place too much hope in it, but it was hard not to, when the plan involved approaching a giant, inky cannibal. Some things just [b]had [/b]to be worth it, or you'd lose your mind. Things like [i]everything she had gone through to be [b]here[/b], putting her hope in the aberration.[/i] Umbri took out the stinger and held it towards the shifter's face, taking care to turn the sharp point towards herself, like an offering, not a threat. The Thresher hissed in her ear, creeping closer and flicking out its tongue to [i]taste[/i] her in the air, shivering and wet and huddled with the cyberninja in a puddle. Her will hardened. [color=#A4303F][b]"Can you turn into what this was?"[/b][/color]