[hider=I really don't know what to call this] Take a moment and imagine a world in which everything is backward; a world in which you are born as an elderly human(don't ask) and age slowly backward until you are a baby; a world in which, when you go to the bank, you earn money and if you do deposit, interest is taken from your account, not added; imagine this with so many more backward things. Even eating, drinking, sleeping, and learning. The only normal, at least by our standards, thing about this world is the language and the way it’s spoken, though words have different meanings, and you’ll see this in the story soon to be told. Now think about our world; the world in which nothing is backward, except for when you want it to be. Think about how different a reversed world would be from our own. Imagine… imagine you were part of a backward world, but not from it. Imagine you were from our world but dropped into a backward world with no knowledge of what happened. How would you get back to our world? Would you want to? What would be different? Similar? Now take a moment and picture a blank paper and a pencil in your hand, while you are in this backward world. Would you write with the pencil or the paper? Would you write on the paper or the pencil or the chair you’re standing at, with the table you’re standing on. Right. Not sitting in the chair, standing on the table. Remember, this is a backward world. Focus your attention on the paper and pencil in hand. Once you’ve decided which item writes and is written on, think about what you would write. [/hider]