[hider=Fallon Kolos] Name - Given: Fallon Kolos Prefered: Sai Number Designation: [color=2e3192]SBJ-055-SAI[/color] Gender - Female Pronouns: she/her Sexuality - Lesbian Age - 16 Species - Anispeaker Siren Classification(Realm Wise) - Ocean Animalia Powers - Anispeak ~ Fallon can speak to animals, being an Anispeaker. Siren Song ~ Typical siren song. Must I elaborate? Personality - She used to be caring but rather rude, but now she does not care for people and is now despondent. Looks - Fallon has light brown hair, gray eyes, and lighter skin. She normally wears a short-sleeved blue shirt and cyan shorts with black lining. Weapon/s Of Choice - Null. Religious Standings - Null. Employment In Lab - Subject Family Tie Status - ??? Significant Other - Null. Mother - ??? Father - ??? Sibling/s - ??? Place of Dwelling - The Forested Lagoon Realm/s of Residency - Ocean Animalia Lab Assorted Details - Fallon often speaks to animals in their language than humans or humanoids. She hates people, and especially hates just interacting. Due to this, she will speak to an animal when responding to a person, sometimes causing confusion. Short Backstory - WIP [/hider]