The girl laughed, sliding into the water and letting the ice shatter onto the rock. She surfaced nearby as a wave crashed warningly into the shore. "If you say so. I really don't care, considering this is exactly what the researchers want us to be doing. If it's anybody you should be trying to kill, it's them. I just follow orders!" Her tone was extremely mocking. [hr] The researchers fussed over Claire, finally getting her to glare at them as she was sick of being poked at. The girl did not speak, but was allowed to stand and walk a bit away from them- as far as she could get. Not far, but it was good enough. Then a scientist spoke to her, treating her like a living being instead of an experiment. "Claire. Will you please cooperate? Only a few more things, then we can do something you'd like, if you want." The demigod reluctantly allowed a few more tests to be run, though she still made it a bit difficult for them. She knew the scientist had been lying, but the fact that she was being treated as human was good enough.