[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5yTuD0G.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/R7sqVJW.png[/img][/center] [hr][i][color=LightSteelBlue]Time: 12 Days Ago[/color] [color=LightSteelBlue]Location: On The Road to Sorian[/color] [color=LightSteelBlue]Interaction: N/A[/color][/i] [hr] The moonlight from above reflected in the sanguine puddle that was spreading across the dirt road. The only sounds that could be heard were that of the wind and the occasional, labored breaths of the man lying in the shallow pool of crimson. The man’s breaths grew fewer and farther between as each exhale threatened to be his last. His eyes were still open…staring at the sky above with tears pouring down the sides of his head and onto the dirt below. Words were beyond him now as he was fading by the second. From a few feet away, a third sound emerged; the sound of a song. [color=LightSteelBlue][i]“May your dreams bring you peace in the darkness… May you always rise over the rain… May the light from above, always lead you to love… May you stay in the arms of the angels.”[/i][/color] The singing man’s face was being obscured by the shadows cast in the moonlight, but his voice rang out in the night confidently. It wasn’t a perfect singing voice, but it was beautiful all the same. In the man’s hands there was an ax covered in blood. As he sang his mother’s song he began to clean the blood off of his weapon with a burlap rag…taking slow steps towards the bleeding man as he did so. His singing continued. [color=LightSteelBlue][i]“May you always be brave in the shadows… 'Til the sun shines upon you again… Hear this prayer in my heart, and we'll ne'er be apart… May you stay in the arms of the angels”[/i][/color] Kneeling down at the dying man’s side, Cassius placed the bloody rag on the man’s chest as he finished the song and then fastened his ax back to his belt. [color=LightSteelBlue]“My mother would sing me that song when I was scared.”[/color] Looking down at the man, he smiled genuinely at the man lying in a pool of his own blood. [color=LightSteelBlue]“I imagine that in this moment you are rather scared yourself.”[/color] Cassius reached down and wiped the tears from the man’s eyes. [color=LightSteelBlue]“Just remember, stranger… You chose this. You and your friends made a choice when you robbed this caravan. You made a choice when you threatened that little girl. Now, the caravan is back on its way and your friends aren’t with us anymore.”[/color] He breaks eye contact with the man long enough to look around the road at the three other bodies lying still in their own bloody puddles. [color=LightSteelBlue]“It’s just you and me now, stranger. Time to live with the choices you made while you can… Because I’m afraid there’s not much time for you left.”[/color] He smirks. [color=LightSteelBlue]“I saw to that myself.”[/color] Cassius lies down next to the him, not concerned with the fact that the man’s blood is now staining his clothes. [color=LightSteelBlue]“There are worse final sights than the stars and the moon…that’s for sure. You know, you might not think so but you are the lucky one here. You get to die and see what happens next. I, however, have far too much left to do in this broken world to die now. I’m just getting started.”[/color]