Jocasta was still enthusiastic about the idea of lances at dawn, but she had to admit that Beren's suggestion had alot of merit. "We have been hoping to aquire charters to explore the ruins and the barrows," Beren said. "And letters of introduction that will let us examine the libraries of noble families," Jocasta stuck in by way of twisting the knife and advocating for her own interests while she was at it. That might be useful if they needed to get access to the noble estate which sported the dwarven rune in its coat of arms. It wasn't likely that a noble family would welcome a group of rag tag adventuers to explore their land, essepcially if most of them were dwarves. "I'm sure that a ... noble lady like Lady Giroux will be able to furnish us with the proper writs," Beren wheedled. That 'noble lady' looked like she was about to have a cornary on the spot, her face turning an almost eggplant shade of purple. Jocasta had no skill with lances, but her confident choice of weapons had clearly upset the woman. Jocasta wondered what her game was. It seemed unlikely that she was tangled with the demon, but whatever she was playing at must align with its fell purposes. "I..." Giroux stumbled, but her liege lord was giving her a stern look which argued strongly against continuing to swim against the tide. She glowered but the aquiesced. "I shall have the papers deliver by way of... appology," the last word hissed out from between her teeth, and she spun on her heel and stalked away.