[h2]Rui, Near Lein[/h2] "Hmph." It might just be a trick of the light, but under the beard it was [i]possible[/i] that the smith was smiling. Or maybe he was as grumpy about more of Lein's company as he sounded, it was rather hard to tell. "An impressive gift," Rui stated plainly, standing up once again, "To be useful for combat and simple tasks alike. Some of us from my homeland can maintain our skill with the blade regardless, yet for anything else..." There was a vague gesture with the missing limb towards a nearby tool. Quite naturally, nothing happened. The foreign girl took a moment to work through Lein's question, before her face changed into something aside from blank stoicism: a fervent, slightly manic grin, made only the more alarming by the one-sided cast to her features, pulling on the scar tissue. "Dragonfire." [@PigeonOfAstora]