[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PLyfcLV.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wPyT7ht.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray][color=E77298]Time:[/color] [b][color=red]4pm[/color][/b] [color=E77298]Location:[/color] [url=i.imgur.com/wngkWaj.jpg]Her bedroom[/url] [/color] [hr][color=lightgray] After stumbling back to her chambers, the princess practically collapsed onto her bed, her body crashing down onto the soft mattress with a heavy thud. Anastasia hadn’t even bothered to close the door behind her, too lost in her own turmoil to care about the world outside. Burying her face in her pillow, she had longed to cry, to release the pent-up emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. The effects of the alcohol and whatever Darryn had given her were taking a negative toll on her at this point, leaving her feeling drained and depleted. Her body felt weak, her muscles ached, and her head throbbed with persistent pain. The haze that had clouded her judgment was lifting, and she was left with a stark realization of the consequences of her actions. Servants were peering through the opening doorway. They had remained where they were, unsure of how to comfort the wayward princess. They had seen her in similar states before, but it never got any easier to witness. They exchanged worried glances, their hearts heavy with concern for her well-being. Unfortunately, they hadn’t been the only ones to notice her tumultuous entrance. Anastasia looked up at the sound of Alibeth's voice, her eyes red and puffy from crying. Alibeth's words hit her like a sharp slap, and she winced at the accusatory tone. [color=a187be] "Anastasia, what is going on?"[/color] Alibeth's voice echoed in the room as she entered the doorway, her expression a mix of concern and frustration. [color=a187be] "Where have you been all day?"[/color] She demanded, her voice tinged with impatience. Anastasia's voice was muffled as she spoke, her face still buried in her pillow.[color=E77298] "... How could you have them hurt Darryn?"[/color] she asked, her words choked with emotion. [color=E77298]"You knew it was my fault, so why not just have me tortured instead? Why did you blame him?"[/color] Her voice cracked, and she finally raised her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. [color=a187be] “Anastasia!”[/color] Alibeth's voice rose in pitch, a rare display of surprise from her. She waved off the servants who had gathered, dismissing them with a flick of her hand, and closed the door behind her as she approached Anastasia. [color=a187be] “Do you honestly believe we’d consider having you [i]tortured?[/i]”[/color] When she did not answer, Alibeth clenched her fists. [color=a187be] “I am growing weary of this behavior… I give you and Callum everything I can. Everything I do is for your benefit yet you act as if I am the evil storybook villain.”[/color] Anastasia's anger flared, and she rose from the bed, wiping her tears away. [color=E77298]"For our benefit?"[/color] she repeated incredulously, gripping her head in frustration. . [color=E77298]"Dragging our friend scarred from the torture you ordered on him, out for Callum and me to see, was for our benefit? And then you told us you were going to kill him to appease some stupid sultan? How am I supposed to believe that you're prioritizing us?"[/color] Alibeth's tone remained cold as she responded, [color=a187be] "...It was never my intention to hurt you. I had to rectify the mess that you and Callum created and make sure no one called for your heads on a stick. Going to war with the Alidasht would not have been in our favor if perchance they had called for that, Anastasia. It may be difficult for you to believe, but needless loss of life is never my intent. As representatives of our kingdom, your actions reflect not only on yourselves but also on Wulfric, Auguste, and all of us. It is imperative that you conduct yourselves with decorum and maturity. This behavior [i]must[/i] come to an end."[/color] The queen then looked at Anastasia with a piercing gaze. [color=a187be]"I urge you to understand the gravity of your actions and the consequences they may entail. It is not a matter of prioritizing one individual over another, but rather ensuring the well-being of our kingdom as a whole.”[/color] [color=E77298]” I know the fucking gravity of my actions! I’ve screwed everything up, okay! …I get it. But so did you, mother. Darryn is just somewhere out there alone and he has completely lost his mind and he hates me because I made him take the carriage there and Callum hates me-”[/color] [color=a187be]"Oh no. You didn’t make him do anything.”[/color] Anastasia stared at her with confusion. [color=a187be] “...Darryn is working under Marek Delronzo. [i] Anastasia, he’s a traitor.[/i]”[/color] The queen watched her expression become that of disbelief. It wasn't difficult to see that her daughter had clearly recognized the name. Alibeth didn't have concrete proof that Darryn was working for Marek specifically, but she felt confident enough in her assumption to use it as a basis for seeking further confirmation of the name. [color=a187be] “I told you I do not just order the death without reason. He is an unfortunate puppet to this Marek… There’s a reason he came back with just a few scars, my dear, and I’m sure you can imagine.”[/color] Her tone was a bit icy now with the girl. Anastasia remained unsure if she believed her mother's words, but she was fixated on the fact that her mother had confirmed Marek's name. [color=E77298] “So… Darryn was the one who told you Marek’s name…? “[/color] [color=a187be] “No… We obtained the name through someone else, and it was not Callum either. Nonetheless, it matters not, you still must stay away from Marek and Darryn henceforth. ”[/color] Anastasia's emotions boiled over with that remark. [color=E77298]”... [i]Get out of my room.[/i]”[/color] Alibeth scowled deeply at her, but when the queen did not move, Anastasia pressed on. [color=E77298] “I said get out!”[/color] Alibeth observed the tears streaming down her face. Her eyes were red and unfocused, her skin pale and clammy. It wasn’t hard to tell that the girl was also inebriated. She sighed. With that, her mother had turned on her feet and paused at the door. Anastasia had reburied herself and pulled the blanket over her head. The queen’s expression softened out of view. [hr] Alibeth stood in the hall, her frustration palpable, mirroring the turmoil Anastasia had felt. [color=f49ac2] “Your Majesty, if I may offer some counsel?”[/color] The voice didn't make her turn her head, but she did lift her eyes. For a fleeting moment, she felt the impulse to reprimand the maid for overstepping her bounds. [color=a187be] [i]How dare she eavesdrop![/i][/color] Yet, as Alibeth reined in her temper, she realized she did want input, especially from someone who spent more time with her daughter than she did. [color=a187be] “Very well.”[/color] The woman came forward and told her somberly, [color=f49ac2] “If you do not approach your daughter with more empathy, you are going to lose her.”[/color] Alibeth’s eyes flashed with indignation, but the maid continued, [color=f49ac2] “It was only last night she returned in such a disarray [i]you thought[/i] you might lose her yet here she is again already in a sorry state… It’s been every other night she disappears somewhere, seeking out types of comfort that she should not. If you push her further, I fear she might run away or worse. Try to see the world from her eyes instead of your own.”[/color] She flinched, bracing herself for a stern reply. However, to her surprise, Alibeth gave her a nod and a wave. [color=a187be] “You're dismissed.”[/color] The maid then left the woman to think about how she could possibly relate to such an emotional and childish princess. [/color]