When Fanilly had first arrived at Candaeln, much of her time had been spent in the training yard. It was a rather frantic period, though she had completed the [i]necessary[/i] training for assignment to her new position she still didn't feel as if she was ready, and thus did the only thing she could think of. Train even more. It was only when more of her duties came to the forefront of her life that such visits slowed, though she still attempted to make sure she spent some time training when she could. She could always get better. She had to, for the sake of the Iron Rose Knights. Once they arrived, it didn't take particularly long for Fanilly to select her weapon. It was a longsword, the closest in proportion to the real blade that she utilized in combat. She raised and lowered it a few times in her hands, experimentally. It had been a little time since she last used such a training tool, given how busy things had been recently. Maintaining her own training schedule was something else she had to get better at... But then Dame Serenity asked her an unexpected question. A dream? For a few moments Fanilly didn't believe there was any way she could be talking about the same dream that she had. But then what else could she be asking about? Why would she ask if she'd only had an ordinary dream? "Ah, Sir Steffen," she realized they weren't alone after a moment, "No, you're not interrupting, there's plenty of space..." She paused again. "... I did have a dream. There were ancient warriors, from hundreds of years ago, and the Gentle Blade," she said, finally, "And... and the Knight-Witch, Merilia, was there as well. But she wasn't fighting, she was simply watching." The blonde knight-girl hesitated for a moment before continuing. This had to be the reason. "Did... did you have a similar dream, Dame Serenity?" [@ERode][@Conscripts]