[COLOR=GRAY][hr][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/4TsfIrH.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=#D90037][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]The Minotaur/Trial Campground - Southern Plateau, Dundas Island[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=#D90037][b]The Homecoming Trials #1.61:[/b][/COLOR] [I]It's Like if WWE just Braided Hair and Sang[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][color=#D90037][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]Katja [@Zoldyck], Calliope [@PatientBean], Banjo [@Hound55][/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=#D90037][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Honestly, Just More Tea[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT]Trace didn’t mean to embarrass Katja. They were just trying to make them feel better about the entire rejection, but it seemed to be unnecessary. She was more than happy to pair up with Trace. That made at least one person in this entire team delighted by their presence. Hell. Trace would take it. Katja was on top of it regarding the tent. She mused over it only for a second before setting it down and releasing a lever. It popped to life like something out of a sci-fi show. Trace scratched their head. [COLOR=#D90037]“Of course, we used cuttin-edge technology only to make things more fuckin’ bougie,”[/COLOR] they grumbled as it bloomed into a domicile that was nicer than their bedroom back home. Honestly, that was wrong. They wondered if the thing needed pitons to fix it into the ground, or if it deployed those as well when it was done. Trace had watched enough “camping fail” videos to know that was the bane of many an outdoorsman. Likening the entire experience to the old saying that a [i]“watched pot never boils,”[/i] they turned back to Katja as she started explaining the ins and outs of her powers. Trace’s mouth went a little agape. Also hearing her say “TLDR” in her accent was wildly amusing. [COLOR=#D90037]“Wait—no—you can’t skip the part where you were shot in the head. Sorry, I know you just said not to ask. I mean I’m glad you’re okay, but that’s fucked up. I bet—”[/COLOR] At that moment Rory walked up, and Trace went from curious and concerned to bristling. To his credit, he apologized for the confusion earlier and then explained who that nameless rando was that picked up Haleigh. It was a member of Team Blackjack, just one that they had never really met before. Trace felt better about that entire situation. They were beginning to doubt their sanity at that one. Any further conversation was ruined by the yelling that was happening right over their shoulders. Like a golden retriever who just spotted its ball, Rory abandoned them and ran to the commotion. Trace just watched as Banjo lost it on Iñigo for whatever reason. Haleigh yelled out in confusion, and Calliope was apparently working up to saying something when Rory jogged over and placed his hand on Banjo’s shoulder. [COLOR=#D90037]“Oh no, you precious idiot, what are you fuckin’ doin’?”[/COLOR] Trace grumbled under their breath. Internally, though, they were chanting [COLOR=#D90037][i]fight, fight, fight, fight[/i][/COLOR]. It was then that Calliope raised her voice and poured cold water, pun intended, over the situation. They frowned as everyone seemed to diffuse and Iñigo rattled off an apology. [COLOR=#D90037]“Katja, I know this is a bad idea, but I feel called to say somethin’. Hold on one sec, and then I have so many things I want to see you smash.”[/COLOR] They winked before walking a few steps over to where everyone was huddled up. [COLOR=#D90037]“Calliope, pet, you have got to tell me how managed to take Deliverance’s balls and make some snazzy jewelry out of them. I mean that’s what had to have happened here. Never seen a dog bark so hard only to back down the moment a pretty face interrupts. He had to have been snipped.”[/COLOR] They made a pair of scissors with their fingers and pantomimed the action. [COLOR=#D90037]“And here my money was on Rory beatin’ his ass. I mean, it’s the difference between a show dog and a mutt you find in the gutter—fleas and all. For some blokes with powers and machismo, you sure as hell love to be cucked. Bet you fuck as fast as you fight—which is not at all.”[/COLOR] They laughed. [/INDENT][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR]