Name: Pasqualine "Aqua" Aloia Species/Race: Nixie Gender: Female Profession: Detective Character at a glance: Middle-aged and waiting for her next big break, Detective Aloia has been experiencing some midlife crisis. She left her water-dwelling family for the large city at a young age, as she was born with neither passion nor talent for music. She eventually found her way to her current job, climbing through the ranks and all. She may not be a hard worker by all means, but she is stubborn. Her life isn't the greatest, but it isn't the worst either. It is simply... stagnant. She didn't stand out in terms of accomplishments and connections, so her current position was as high as she can get... Unless this new case becomes her express ticket to the new King's favors. Abilities/Skills: (will be updated with story progression maybe) [list] [*] Shape-shifter: can change into an animal/non-humanoid creature at will; can gain senses of said creature, but not their special abilities or language [/list]