[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rsDBWoE.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth] [color=orange]"ACH!"[/color] Just as Ushnekh went to make himself scarce-- a rope-like body suddenly dropped onto his head! The runt staggered back from the force of the impact; barely keeping himself from falling on his ass as the taste of iron filled his mouth. Gathering his bearings with a violent shake of his head, Ushnekh took several steps back; lowering himself into a fighting stance. Though the little orc wasn't averse to taking hits to dish out his own; he'd heard that Tatzelwurms had poison, and testing the strength of said poison was NOT something he was keen on doing. As the snake-cat-monster lunged toward his leg, Ushnekh let out a bellow as he swung his stick at the creature's head. [color=orange]"[b][Earth Wave][/b]!"[/color]