[color=darkgray] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3EdPgr4.png[/img][/center] [Color=salmon][b]Time:[/b][/color] 4 p.m. -> 5:30pm p.m. [Color=salmon][b]Location:[/b][/color] Markets -> [Color=salmon][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [Color=salmon][b]Mention:[/b][/color][hr] Fortunately, Lorenzo refrained from acting against Dr. Williamson after he explained himself. Besides, the poor young lady seemed warm to his presence. [color=salmon][i]I guess she likes that sort of thing… Doctors slapping her in such a way. A fetish maybe?[/i][/color] Lorenzo minded his business until the conclusion of the play but couldn’t help but notice the character simply referred to as the duke. He was juggling prop ferrets, which was something he couldn’t ignore. He stared at the jester-like character longer than he probably should have. The insult sank into his heart like a rusted and jagged dagger. [color=salmon][i]That’s how they see me. That’s how they all see me.[/i][/color] He shut his eyes tight to the stage, shouldering the emotional wound the seemingly accurate rendition of him left. [color Before the curtain could fall, Lorenzo stormed out, his face stern as he clutched his ferret Kier in his arms. [color=salmon][i]No longer![/i][/color] He swore to himself as he walked briskly to his carriage readied by the reliable driver, Benjamin. [color=SALMON]“Take me home this instant! We must pick up Nathaniel. And then, we head back into town. I will need gifts for dinner tonight.”[/color] With little to say, Benjamin did as he was ordered. He made sure to get to the estate as quickly as possible, especially with Lorenzo constantly asking if he could faster every leg of the route. Once the carriage arrived in front of Lorenzo’s Sorian property, he rushed out continuing the brisk walk he had started after leaving the theater. Upon entering the estate, burst past the foyer. [color=salmon]“Nathaniel!”[/color] Nathaniel was literally standing five feet from Lorenzo ready to greet him. [Color=limegreen]“Y-yes my lord.”[/color] Nathaniel was a bit taken aback and he dealt with the duke every day. Lorenzo was offering up Kier with outstretched arms. [color=salmon]“Have Delilah see Kier groomed and returned to his quarters. Then, I need her to lay out an outfit for tonight’s dinner. Time is of the essence! Once that is done, get to the carriage. We have shopping tend to.”[/color] [Color=limegreen]“I’ll make haste, my lord.”[/color] Nathaniel nodded as he took Kier reluctantly as the ferret sometimes bit him. He never knew why but always tried to avoid handling the critter when he could. His best bet was to get Kier to Delilah immediately. The matter of shopping with the duke was strange but it would give him something different to do which was an escape from his mundane duties. With simultaneous nods, the two men briskly darted in opposite directions. Lorenzo was making his way back to the carriage while Nathaniel was trying to find Delilah while enduring the sporadic bites from Kier. [color=limegreen][i]Gods![/i][/color] In a few moments, Lorenzo, Benjamin, and Nathaniel were headed back into town with Lorenzo laser-focused on one task. [color=salmon][i]Gifts![/i][/color][hr] [center][url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/944424394804068392/1098811789078171698/httpswww.png]Red Duke Redemption[/url][/center] [Color=salmon][b]Time:[/b][/color] 5:45 p.m. [Color=salmon][b]Location:[/b][/color] Vikena Estate [Color=salmon][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@princess] [Color=salmon][b]Mention:[/b][/color] Nathaniel was the first to enter the estate after the round of errands for gifts and other items, but only because Lorenzo insisted on carrying the most bags in so he didn’t look like a “juggling jester of a fool!” Nathaniel didn’t quite understand it, but he simply conformed to the Duke’s odd request as he had always done. Despite this, he knew his place and would not disrespect Lorenzo’s title. As he carried his few bags in he gently set them down. [Color=limegreen]“Duke Vikena, I am coming to take some of your bags!”[/color] Nathaniel called as he watched Lorenzo teeter back and forth as he slowly walked the path to the estate. Lorenzo’s face was as red as a tomato, taking on far too much than he could. He hadn’t considered the walk from where the carriage would park to the front door. This was possibly the biggest inconvenience of the property's design, though Lorenzo did enjoy the opportunity to have more flora planted out front. [color=salmon]“I have it!”[/color] Lorenzo argued, yet… [color=salmon][i]Gods this is heavy! I hope he just takes some of these bags![/i][/color] [Color=limegreen]“Duke Vikena, I insist!”[/color] Nathaniel could not ignore Lorenzo’s struggle. He’d drop the bags or pop a blood vessel before he got to the door. Nathaniel took some of the bags, rather easily from Lorenzo who feigned a sigh. [color=salmon]“I was fine but thank you, Nathaniel.”[/color] Lorenzo was absolutely grateful! The two hurried inside, gently setting down the bags. [color=salmon]“Alright, ensure these gifts aren’t damaged! I must get dressed!”[/color] Lorenzo darted up the stairs so fast that he tripped and fell after the sixth step. [color=salmon]“Oof!”[/color] He let out before picking himself up. [color=salmon]“Grr!”[/color] he grunted as he continued up the steps on all fours. Once in his room, his eyes focused on the outfit on his bed. [color=salmon][i]Yes, Delilah! YES! This is perfect![/i][/color] Lorenzo smiled so big that if he had a third row of teeth, they’d show. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXq6q4agO8g]Maybe…[/url] [color=salmon]“Look out Alidasht. I’m ready for you. In fact…”[/color] Lorenzo walked over to his bed and got down on his hands and knees to look underneath. To his surprise, the containers of gin and opium were nowhere to be found. [color=salmon][i]Did I… Did I run out? No… but… Fuck. Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I can’t face them completely sober. They’ll eat me alive! FUCK![/i][/color] [Color=limegreen]“Duke Vikena. Is everything alright? The gifts are all intact.”[/color] Lorenzo popped up from the floor as suspiciously as anyone could be. [color=salmon]“Of course! I was just-”[/color] [Color=limegreen]“In need of an edge. I know, my lord.”[/color] Nathaniel raised his brows, showing he understood Lorenzo's struggle. [color=salmon]“Uh… Yes, but not much. Just-”[/color] [Color=limegreen]“Something you can control. Honestly, it’s probably for the best. That flask of yours is… Well, it’s dangerous.”[/color] Nathaniel nodded sternly. [color=salmon]“Wait… You know about the flask?”[/color] Lorenzo was quite surprised since he mixed his drugs within the confines of his room. Then again, he was not a mastermind in keeping things hidden. [color=limegreen]“How could I not, my lord? I’ll go get something for you while you get dressed. Ride for the length of the dinner and I’m sure you’ll be fine. Besides, you have Lady Vikena to accompany you. I assure you, you both can face these Alidasht savages. They are nothing compared to the ire of the Sorian political climate. You skimmed that book you wanted, yes?”[/color] [color=salmon]“Yes, some of it but-”[/color] [color=limegreen]“Duke Vikena, you now know more than what you knew. Use it. It’s what Walter did. You may see him as someone to surpass, naturally so but he was a fool who simply quoted dead men. You can do this,”[/color] Nathaniel assured. [Color=salmon] “I can… I can!”[/color] Lorenzo felt a tinge of confidence. [Color=limegreen]“Perfect. I will return with the edge you need, my lord.”[/color] Nathaniel nodded before exiting the doorway. He left Lorenzo to face his outfit and his expectations. With the devilish red outfit adorned, Lorenzo walked from his room taking a swig of gin given to him by Nathaniel before heading down the stairs to meet with Charlotte. There was an unfamiliar presence accompanied with his descent down the steps. It almost appeared as if he had taken pointers from Count Damien, yet Nathaniel stood at the top of the steps with a satisfied grin. [/color]