Giri holds that stare, not moving. She looks at Ven ever so sternly, a big sister's look that says [i]put that sword down before you hit someone.[/i] It's a look without fear for herself. "I am offering you help. So is Peregrine in her way. And I know, I know that Kalaya would take on the whole world to help you if you asked for it. You have to ask, Ven. If you lock it in your heart, nobody will hear it." And then she smiles, and it is a smile full of so many things. Some of them things Ven knows all too well, pain and sadness, frustration at not being understood. But also at all the things Ven isn't seeing, all the little beauties and joys. The fond memory of the dead, satisfied with a good meal returning to their rest, and the memory of raindrops gently rolling off of beautiful flowers. And...ah, yes she had just the thing. "As for me, well...the last inn I was at served a really good bowl of noodles. Hot and steaming, covered with so much chili that the broth turned red, just how I like them. Would you like to get some?"