[quote=@Mae] [@Yankee] So I've given Jada wind and water, I imagine watching Boro's mage hand like abilities might have inspired some practice with wind. And water I could see her trying her own attempts at the pond, but feel free to swap them if you prefer earth or fire. Here's a first pass on her skills, what sort of hobbies does Jada have? Liminal Resist I Bureaucracy Hospitality Housekeeping Research: Magic Study Sense Needs Sprint Jack of Trades, Odd Jobs Ignoble Magic - Wind, lesser Ignoble Magic - Water, Lesser Identify Scroll, Lesser Inspect Artefact, Lesser Inspect Rune, Lesser[/quote] That works, thank you. Can I ask what "Sense Needs" would entail? I don't want to make any wrong assumptions! As for hobbies, reading of course. I think fishing would be fun, doubles as time to meditate too. I see her having a love of games, both table games like card or board games and simple sports like kick ball or soccer. Though as the guild grows I think her time will be more taken up by that kind of work.