[quote=@Mae] [@AzureKnight] We have a witch/doctor and two total potionmakersso that role is pretty well filled, what's your angle for a potential character? [/quote] Something along the lines of a upcoming mage that wants to further her pursuit of magical knowledge, setting up an atelier in the Hamlet. She does this in the hopes of becoming a recognized as a royal court mage. Would that be fine? [hider=CS] [center][img]https://imgur.com/vnB74X5.jpg[/img] [sup][h1][color=65aFFF]Saya Akaba [/color][/h1][/sup][sub][color=darkgray]+ Mage of the Scarlett Flame/Magus +[/COLOR] Age: 27 || Gender: Female || Height & Build 5’7’’ || Race: Human[/sub][/center] > In the Hamlet I live in... a small little cottage down by a river that serves as my atelier. Aside from daily necessities, it holds all of my magical tools and supplies. > I spend most of my time… studying the magical arts to further my skills. In addition, I also run a small shop where I offer appraisals for artifacts the townsfolk happen upon and sell potions and talismans. > I am known for... Reading, VERY often. In addition to grimoires and arcane tomes, I generally read any type of literature I can get my hands on to pass the time. I also go for walks in the forest and ruins to gather herbs and materials for my atelier, or just to get some fresh air. > My current goal is.. to continue increasing my arcane knowledge and skill in the magical arts until I’m recognized as a Grand Witch. Wherein my skills are revered far and wide, perhaps one day I can be accepted as a royal court mage or even an advisor to a worthy ruler. > My secret is... I actually enjoy drinking. If I’m not at my atelier or out gathering materials, I can usually be found at the Hamlet tavern. [color=65aFFF][b]S T A T S[/b][/color] [color=cccccc][i](TUTORIAL: Distribute below then remove this tutorial section: 1x - Poor | 2x ★ Average | 2x ★★ Trained | 1x ★★★ Exceptional)[/i][/color] [indent][color=cccccc][ - ] [ - ] [ - ] S T R E N G T H [ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] D E X T E R I T Y [ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] V I T A L I T Y [ ★] [ ★ ] [ ★ ] I N T E L L I G E N C E [ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] W I S D O M [ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] C H A R I S M A [/color][/indent] [color=65aFFF][b]S K I L L S & R E W A R D S[/b][/color] [Hider=Skills & Rewards][indent][color=cccccc][ - ] [i]Empty for now[/i][/color][/indent][/hider] [color=65aFFF][b]C U R R E N T G O A L S & Q U E S T S [/b][/color] [Hider=Goals and Quests][indent][color=cccccc][Current Goal mentioned above] [i]brief description if you wish[/i] [/color][/indent][/hider] [color=65aFFF][b]I N V E N T O R Y[/b][/color] [Hider=Inventory][indent][color=cccccc][ Clothes ] [i]description if you wish[/i] [ Sling ] [i]A popular game and toy in the village. Powered by pebbles and rocks. [/i] [ Waterskin ] [i]For when you get thirsty. [/i] [ Snacks ] [i]it's simple food, but lounging in the sun always makes lunchtime special. [/i] [/color][/indent][/hider] [color=65aFFF][b]C O N N E C T I O N S[/b][/color] [Hider=Connections][indent][color=cccccc][ Name , Relation, Job. Race] [i]brief description[/i] [/color][/indent][/hider] [/hider]