[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/X0xz847.png[/img] [color=34c9cd]”Wait, I’ve been spelling Reinhardt wrong!”[/color] [color=888888]— Luana Roycroft[/color][/center] [@Rune_Alchemist][@Crimson Paladin][@Guy0fV4lor] There wasn’t anything Luana had to add to Sorcha’s comments. Unlike her queen, she couldn’t pretend to know the extent of her powers. If she thought it wasn’t an issue, it wasn’t something that she would press. Of greater concern to Luana was Reinhardt’s reaction to her. It almost felt hostile. Maybe he was just uncomfortable around [s]cute girls[/s] new people, or maybe he was miffed that she would request they delay harvesting the dragon. Reinhardt did seem awfully interested in its heart. But that was the thing, his request didn’t really make sense. Yes, getting a piece of the dragon to study was important, but why did the heart specifically matter? She was new to this and knew little about dragons. She didn’t know that much more about Reinhardt save for tales of how invincible he was. He might have been if he survived dragon fire. But that didn’t make sense. If he was truly invincible he would rule the world already. There had to be some gimmick that pertained to how strong he was. Luana had a theory. Reinhardt pretty much sounded like “rain heart.” If you took the rain out of it, you were left with heart. And he wanted the dragon’s heart. Perhaps the dragon’s hearts were used to fuel this special power he had. Maybe by consuming the hearts, he could grant himself their vitality. A sort of extra chance should something bad befall him. Maybe the reason why Endless Eclipse couldn’t show what happened to Reinhardt was because this power gives him the ability to warp causality. Something like that would effectively give Reinhardt a stockpile of lives, or chances to defeat his foes. An ability as strong as that would require strong hearts to power, and you couldn’t go much stronger than a dragon. She didn't know anything about this type of magic or have proof for any of this, but it sounded really cool. But really, Reinhardt was a fellow knight. She probably shouldn’t be trying to figure out what his weaknesses were. Then again, it helps to know where your friends are weakest so that you can help them get all the hearts they need. Luana needed some way to kill time. “Keeping watch” seemed to be a pretty relaxed activity around here. Grainne looked like they might spar with Ethelred, and it looked like Reinhardt was being invited to do some weapon testing. Luana didn’t know how to feel. No one was talking to her, but no one was threatening to hit her with their weapons either. That just meant she could save one of her allies. Maybe. [color=34c9cd]”I’m sure Reinhardt would love to endure whatever you throw at him, but I’d like to talk with him a bit. If that’s okay?”[/color] She shot Lif a smile before turning to Reinhardt. [color=34c9cd]”Ideally, away from mountain cracking artillery.”[/color]