[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230312/5900f571789037c5830e3fbce607377e.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b]“Man the cannons boys, we have some government dogs to run down!”[/b] A loud voice could be heard from the helm of The Savage Executioner, the flagship of the small fleet known as the Saw-Tooth Pirates. The voice belonged to the pirate crew’s Captain “Riptide” Brutos. In an instant the three ships of the Fleet turned weapons toward the lone Naval vessel. A favorite target of this particular crew. It’s what gained the crew and its captain the current bounty. Maxwell Anders scrambled to assist the crew of the flag ship prepare. The young male had been a part of this routine more than he cared to admit. Though the moment Brutos’ eyes locked with Max’s he knew damn well he was expected to retreat below deck. He finished tying off a rope end and moved to his normal post when fights broke out. Maxwell was not to participate unless it was to defend his own life. Despite Brutos being a ruthless and cruel man Maxwell was his most prized resource simply because the boy happened to possess a rather useful Devil Fruit ability. At least one that served Brutos well. The Sea bird, whom Max had been using to scout and find prime targets for Brutos flew off deciding it best to avoid the conflict it knew was coming. He got the feeling of sympathy from the bird as the two parted ways. Within the hour the Pirate fleet and naval vessel had come to blows, cannons being fired and both ships being boarded by the other’s crew. A few of the navy men even made their way below deck of the flagship in order to attempt to dispatch the pirates still firing on the Navy vessel with the intent to sink it. After all captured men didn’t need a vessel to escape with and Brutos wouldn’t be caught dead adding a Navy ship to his fleet. “Well well well, if it isn’t Riptide’s favorite young tool. I think we can use you as a hostage, get us out of this little predicament, don’t you think?” The older naval officer that managed to make his way to Maxwell’s hiding spot mused as he stalked closer to the boy. Maxwell wasn’t a fighter, he could honestly barely defend himself in a fight, he would not win against a trained Naval officer. Nonetheless he did his best to make sure he was not used in a hostage situation. The fight however, was short. He was quickly overpowered and the Officer pulled the green eyed boy to the deck of the ship. “Brutos, call off your men and I might let your little pet go.” The man yelled using Maxwell’s smaller body as a shield. All fighting ceased as Brutos stalked toward the officer. “Ah, any closer and I can’t promise the boy’s safe return.” Brutos stopped, but the fishman didn’t lose the almost terrifying grin that was plastered on his face. [b]“You think any of my men will let you leave this ship alive?”[/b] The laugh that erupted from the Shark man was almost crazed. [b]“Boy you better hope your unusually good luck holds out.”[/b] Without warning a gunshot was heard and before anyone could react the crew’s quickdraw put his gun back in his holster. The Naval officer’s grip loosened on Max before his body eventually slumped. The bullet that was fired had sailed past Maxwell’s cheek and into the neck of the man who had been holding him hostage. [b]“Hm, by the skin of your cheek.”[/b] Brutos once again laughed and turned to the few remaining Navy men. [b]“Anyone else wanna try and win this losing fight or do you want to make this easy for everyone and surrender?”[/b] The few still willing to fight were quickly subdued, and those still living were promptly chained and placed in the ship’s lower hold. The Saw-Tooth’s small fleet sustained minimal damage. [center][h3]After arriving back on Pol Stictid[/h3][/center] [b]“How the hell did those dumbass Liver Pirates find the rat before you did, boy?”[/b] Brutos stalked toward Maxwell like a predator to its prey. He was visibly angry, his sharp toothed mouth which was normally in either a permanent frown or shit eating smirk was turned down in a more intense frown than usual. When he approached the brown haired male he grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up so Maxwell was no longer in his seated position. The fishman released Max just as quickly and glowered at the smaller male. [color=CC9466]“I-I was off Island, we all were. I can't get information if the animals can’t get to me..”[/color] Maxwell shrank back when telling Brutos, his captain, this. [color=CC9466]“We just got back, I hadn’t had a chance to communicate with my network yet.”[/color] Maxwell seemed to get a little more confident when speaking with Brutos. He sometimes forgot just how valuable he and his abilities were to Brutos. He knew at the very least the shark fishman wouldn’t harm him too badly. After all it was thanks to Maxwell, Brutos has been able to get quite a bit of his wealth. Something the tattooed fishman could not deny. The guttural growl the Saw-Tooth’s captain let loose almost vibrated Maxwell’s eardrums but he turned from Max unable to deny the smaller male was indeed correct. [b]“You have one job, Rat. Collect information. Seems like you are a liability on the sea and you can’t do your one task from there either.”[/b] There was an uncomfortably long pause Brutos not looking at Max. But eventually the Captain spoke again. [b]“You are officially dry docked. You will not be joining us on the sea anymore. You will be expected to double your revenue contribution since we will be losing the ease of locating targets on the sea. I don’t care how you get it, just get me money.”[/b] He didn’t give Max a chance to respond. He left the boy to figure out what to do from there.