[center][color=db7272]IGARASHI KAEDE MENTIONS:[/color] Kimiko, Yurie, Junibulli -------------[/center] The day had been mostly uneventful for Kaede. Classes had gone by relatively quickly, and the students were busy bustling about the hallways as usual. She tried to be a good student and pay attention, but it was easy for her mind to wander. The instructions for their assignment gradually began to sound muddled together as her eyelids grew heavier. Despite going to bed early that night, she felt like she hadn't slept a wink in the past 24 hours in that moment. But as soon as the bell rang for lunch, she was snapped awake by screeching chairs and her classmates leaving as if the room had burst into flames. And so, without a plan to spend her lunch break with anyone else, she decided she would head to the rooftop and enjoy the weather along with her meal. But, on the way there she overheard a conversation between two male students. One was complaining about a well-known troublemaker swindling him out of his planned lunch. She'd heard of Junichiro, but thought the rumors were baseless. Kaede herself had never seen him do something that students gossiped about, and considering how much teenagers loved to spread drama... Kaede decided to keep walking towards her destination; if she saw him along the way, then she could give him a piece of her mind, whether he wanted it or not. Her walk took her to classroom 3-C, where she overheard a male voice boasting about "swindling that kid outta his curry buns". So, had he only gotten one and manipulated the person she saw into giving up his own? And on top of that, she overheard the two girls complain to him about taking the last of the buns and him refusing to share. How distasteful. Kaede stepped into the room during the commotion, reaching into her bag and grabbing one of the spare bento boxes she kept. She always came prepared should she accidentally drop her lunch, have it stolen, or for situations like this. She could see there was food at the center already, but... the girls having plenty to eat amongst themselves would be better than splitting one meal. Especially when one of them was dead set on keeping three curry buns all to himself. [color=db7272]"Here."[/color] Kaede offered the bento box next to Kimiko's, a fried chicken with tamagoyaki, broccoli, tomato, sautéed spinach, and seasoned onigiri rice balls bento box. It wasn't the flashiest, but it tasted good and was filling; that's all that mattered to her. [color=db7272]"Since a certain someone wants to be selfish, you two can have this to help fill you up."[/color] Maybe if Juni was willing to share he could eat with the two girls. For now, Kaede would have to stay close by because, well, she needed the bento box. It wasn't disposable and she had no intention of leaving it behind. In situations like this she would eat next to or with the person she donated the food to just to get the box back. And so, that's what she planned to do.