For AI art [b]specifically related to RPing[/b], I'm excited. I was musing with this idea today, combining a few different tools you could have a group shot with all the different characters and unify it into one style, and run a RP with one style of artwork. [S]No more faffing around with trying to unify landscape/portrait images with different resolutions into like bbcode friendly cropped sizes.[/s] [URL=]this[/URL] in particular interests me, along with [URL=]this[/URL]. [URL=]this[/URL] Some of the [URL=]animation stuff[/URL] isn't quite there yet for me but sign me up for [URL=]VN style cut scenes[/URL]. All of this requires some fiddling. Writing wise I think a brainstorming tool for generating plot twists you might not have thought of might be cool, but I'm alot more interested in the visual stuff.