Hearing his plans for the evening caused a groan to come out of the woman. They had been walking all day and her feet hurt. There was one thing that had to be said for her past life. She was mostly safe to spend the days in the compound as long as she did her tasks and required jobs. Setting her bags down the a flomp sound, she rubbed her face and smacked her cheeks to make herself more alive. She knew he wanted to teach her to shoot. It would be wise if both of them could at least hit the broad side of a building. Her inner voice began rattling off things she'd rather do then to work on her technique. Silencing it though, she nodded her head. "Alright, that sounds decent enough. I do need to work on my gun skill. Can't cover your ass if I can't aim the damn thing. What if I go through too many bullets? Shouldn't we try something less.. important? Like a sling shot and pebbles or just tossing rocks in general?" She inquired, though she figured she knew the truth. She needed to get used to the recoil of the gun to be able to master actually hitting the target. "After some target practice, can we have some food? I grabbed some meat off a couple mole rats so we can fry them up and turn them into steaks." She suggested, hoping the sound of a decently hearty meal would distract him. There was a difference between wanting to do something and needing to do it. Right now, that distance felt as apart as the sides of the Grand Canyon.