[Hider=Sebastian Alexander Ackelhurst / Senior][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230425/30212d6b6def02c6d800047f9dd35565.png[/img] [sub][color=SpringGreen][i]Seb, Bastian, Lex, Alex.[/i][/color][/sub] [img]https://i0.wp.com/static.tumblr.com/fc8f537a50309156549e16089a2d6990/xyplfid/6tYosj7lp/tumblr_static_b7l7xb1y1nkk80c0o8c0k08og.gif?ssl=1[/img] [sub][color=SpringGreen]((Faceclaim: Dom Sherwood// Color Code: SpringGreen)) [i][b]"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill[/b][/i][/color][/sub][/center] [color=SpringGreen]Name:[/color] [indent]Sebastian Alexander Ackelhurst. Goes by Seb or Bastian. Few friends like to mess around with his middle name and call him Lex or Alex.[/indent] [color=SpringGreen]Age & Grade:[/color] [indent]19. (June 23rd, Cancer) Senior. Fell behind a year. [/indent] [color=SpringGreen]Gender:[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=SpringGreen]Sexuality:[/color] [indent]Bisexual[/indent] [color=SpringGreen]Label:[/color] [indent]Volleyball Captain/Bit of a bad boy vibe. [/indent] [color=SpringGreen]Occupation:[/color] [indent]Eww Work. He's never worked a day in his life.[/indent] [color=SpringGreen]Appearance Details[/color] [list][*][b][color=SpringGreen]Hair:[/color][/b] Blonde, with few tones of brown. Keeps hair short. Prefers sides to be kept shorter. Messy hair-style is his go-to. [*][b][color=SpringGreen]Eyes:[/color][/b] Sectoral heterochromia; one of his eyes is blue while the other is half blue-half brown [*][b][color=SpringGreen]Height:[/color][/b] 6'1 [*][b][color=SpringGreen]Body Type:[/color][/b] Toned and Muscular [*][b][color=SpringGreen]Clothing Style:[/color][/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/cb/fa/08/cbfa0881002bfb9088e327202c24640e.jpg]School Uniform[/url] [url=https://img.mensxp.com/media/content/2018/Apr/types-of-black-shoes-every-guy-needs1400-1523599149.jpg?w=414&h=276&cc=1] School Shoes[/url]. Has a tendency to wear his school tie in a messy style, rather than it being tied up properly. Outside school hours, he likes to wear jeans and or shorts with short sleeved t-shirts. Anything to show of his arm muscles. [*][b][color=SpringGreen]Makeup Wise:[/color][/b] None. [*][b][color=SpringGreen]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/color][/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/68/e6/de/68e6de4fd36803f68a766024dc4ac09e.jpg]Various tattoos[/url] across his torso, across his arm and reaching up his neck. [/list] [hr] [Center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/0fc2647aad2d7881c792d8936dfcb24c/tumblr_omxiek8Czo1tnjjm8o5_r1_250.gifv[/img][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/2af30393adeef42d5b5b9161f104627b/tumblr_omxiek8Czo1tnjjm8o1_r1_250.gifv[/img][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/d71900fe3e2be510690094e57b99d8cd/tumblr_omxiek8Czo1tnjjm8o6_r3_250.gifv[/img][/Center] [color=SpringGreen]Personality[/color] [indent][Center]Flirty [Color=Gold]♞[/Color] Temperamental [Color=Gold]♞[/Color] Protective [Color=Gold]♞[/Color] Assertive [Color=Gold]♞[/Color] Fun-Loving [Color=Gold]♞[/Color] Day-Dreamer [Color=Gold]♞[/Color] Observant [Color=Gold]♞[/Color] Goofy[/Center] Has a flirtatious nature; if he likes you he'll most likely throw a flirty comment your way regardless of whom you are. Sometimes his friendly nature, can be mistaken for being flirty. Other times, he will be openly flirting and mean it. It's up to the other person to tell the difference between the two. From a young age; he's had a terrible temper. A trait from his own father. Sebastian does his best to control it; finding outlets such as sports and working out a lot. His parents even dragged him to some anger management sessions. He'd much rather avoid the anger management sessions if he could; but he makes do with them, especially during the holidays when he's away from the Academy. He has no problem asserting himself and being the 'Alpha Male' when situation calls for it. How he goes about asserting his dominance depends on the other party. As it could either end up peacefully, or not so much. Those that are close to Sebastian, know that he can be incredibly goofy. If you're having a bad day, he'd do anything to put a smile on your face again. This goofy side, he doesn't let everyone see. Doesn't want people thinking his 'soft', though he does certainly have a 'soft' side to him. The boy lives for fun times, and can be life of the party when he's got a few drinks in him. He's incredibly protective over his friends; if you hurt them; you most likely have to deal with him and his fists. Whilst he might not look it; Sebastian is highly observant. Finding himself remembering even the smallest of things. Though most of the time, he might look like he has his head up in the clouds day-dreaming. [/indent] [color=SpringGreen]Acceptance Status:[/color] [indent]Parents pay for his education at Edgebaston. [/indent] [color=SpringGreen]History[/color] [indent][list][*]Born in England, London. Sebastian is the eldest child of Maxwell and Amelia Ackelhurst. His father a retired Army Officer; leaving the army due to an injury. Maxwell had met Amelia a few years prior, when he came back home to England for a few months. He soon fell in love with the young woman that was training to be a nurse. It wasn't long after Amelia started working as a nurse, that Maxwell had proposed to her. The pair getting married 2 years later. Maxwell still had to go to work when required, Whilst Amelia was a house-wife for the first years, whilst she was raising him and his younger sister up. Before that his mother worked as a nurse in a hospital. Whenever he or his sister would end up being ill; his mother knew most of the cures and things to help them; without having to consult a doctor. [*] At the age of 4, his father was getting stationed over-seas. Prompting the entire family to move to the States. His childhood felt somewhat simply, yet straining at times. His father was always away; so he lacked the proper male example to look up to. When his father was home; he was temperamental, yelling, slamming things. Sebastian thought it was normal, but his father was suffering from effects of being a soldier. Sebastian seemed to inherit his father's temper. Much to everyone's dislike. It didn't help much that as he grew older, he kept a few of the 'wrong' friends that were a bad influence on him and his temperament. Sebastian however tried to control his temper, much better than his father did. Using his pent up energy into something else; sports and martial arts mainly. Along with hitting the gym. Getting his frustration out on punching bags seemed to work for the most part. Despite his temper issues, he's always been a fairly 'smart' boy and his parents wanted him to have a promising 'future' one day. [*]Sebastian was about 10 years old, when his father was sent back from the Army due to an injury. He had been caught in a minor explosion; loosing one of his legs. It was a trying time for the family; with his father recovering in hospital and getting a prophetic limb. It was 2 years, till his father felt back to somewhat 'normal' and used to his new leg. Feeling like he was too young to be retired; his father soon found a job elsewhere; now working for a popular and rich company; slowly making his way up through the ranks there. The Family having a steady income of money; army retirement money, his mother's wages from the hospital and now the money his father was making from his new job. In a way, they were spoiled for money. The Ackelhurst siblings, especially Sebastian took that too mean that they didn't need to lift a finger themselves job wise. [*] Wanting to help straighten out Sebastian and his temper. His parents sent him off to Edgebaston Academy, with hopes that getting a proper education would tame his 'wilder' side. Sebastian's temper seemed to have tamed down a little bit, as he tried to focus on getting a good education whilst enjoying his love for sports. Finding it a distraction from getting into trouble. But things back home weren't going so smoothly. His parents having a rocky road the last few years, and now with Sebastian away at the Academy, it became more clear. It was found out, that his father ended up having an affair with one of his new colleagues. A messy divorce ensued, as his parents fought over custody of him and his sister. [*]The chaos in his family caused Sebastian to fall behind a year, in his studies. Having to repeat his senior year at the Academy. Something his father and him fought about on a few occasions. Whilst Sebastian is angry with his father for many reasons; he knows he has to keep civil somewhat; as half the money spent on his education at Edgebaston is from his father. [/list][/indent] [color=SpringGreen]Extras:[/color] [indent][list][*][color=SpringGreen][b]Luggage:[/b][/color] Clothes + Toiletries, Sketchbook with Pencils, Favorite Volleyball, Electronics. (Can't be without his phone and laptop) [*][color=SpringGreen][b]Extracurricular Activities:[/b][/color] Volleyball Captain. If he's not doing anything sporty, he's at the gym. Or most likely found chilling out with his friends. [*]Likes Art. Sebastian has a pile of hidden note-pads and sketchbooks with his doodles. Whilst he's passionate about it, he's no Picasso. [*]Interest in Chinese Martial Arts and Karate. [*]Weirdly good at Maths, especially Algebra. [*][Color=SpringGreen][b]Allergies:[/b][/color] Dog hair, Latex, Bee Stings, Coconuts. [*][Color=SpringGreen][b]Celeb Crush:[/b][/color] His first and only Celebrity Crush. Scarlett Johansson. [*]Resents his father; despite his father paying for half his tuition money. [*][Color=SpringGreen][b]Favorite Foods:[/b][/Color] Nachos, Chilli Con Carne, Any Seafood, Guacamole, Classic Burgers. [*] Music from Bon Jovi and ACDC are known to be among his jam's. [/list] [/indent][/hider] [hr] [Hider=Sebastian's Relations][center][h2]Relationships[/h2] ⚜ Respects ~ ☯ Neutral ~ ☮ Friends ~ ♫ Best Friends ~ § Tense ~ ♥ Crush ~ ⚤ Significant Other ~ ☠ Enemies ~ 💔 Exes [img]https://img.wattpad.com/f374a970bd8dc09e30b8a08e62c4cf51c32d5297/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6772715a7a55435269664f6258673d3d2d3634383639383731352e313536323765333132343962353865353231333637343831323338302e676966[/img] [hr] [b]♫[color=MediumPurple]Charlotte Olivia Ackelhurst[/color]♫[/b] [i]'My darling baby sister'[/i] If anyone means the world to him; it's his baby sister. Sebastian is majorly protective over her. He's happy that she got a place at Edgebaston this year and can't wait to introduce her to some of his friends. Though they might argue from time to time like any sibling; he loves her to bits. [b]💔☮[color=E59866]Noah Park[/color]☮💔[/b] [i]'Well talk about complicated...she'll always have a special place in my heart and life.'[/i] His second ex at Edgebaston. Sebastian and Noah have always been good friends from when they met. With their hidden attraction to one another; they decided to give it a shot and try dating. Noah is one of the few people, he lets himself be vulnerable with; back then and even now. Despite them agreeing that they weren't working out as a 'couple' the two remained closed friends. Who knows, maybe he's still not over her fully; as some lingering feelings still stir inside of him every once in a while. [b]♥[color=FFFCBB]Fiona Jade Salvador[/color]♥[/b] [i]'So talented....and beautiful'[/i] Sebastian has admired her talent and beauty from afar. Although, he might not hang out alot; the two have always been friendly to each other when passing. It's not exactly hard to fall for her, when she's one of the nicest people around Edgebaston. [b]☮[color=FF7B7B]Ryan Anastasia Reid[/color]☮[/b] [i]'Ryan knows how to keep me humble'[/i] One of Seb's more Risky friends. The two always had a flirty sort of relationship despite Ryan being Gay. Ryan manages to keep Sebastian humble and not let it get to his head that his parents earn a decent living, enough to afford his tuition at Edgebaston. There's been a few occasions where she's told him off about it in the past; when he acted all high and mighty for a few moments. [b]☮[color=DarkCyan]Isabelle Aurelia Mormont[/color]☮[/b] [i]'Little Belle, known her for years'[/i] Having known Belle for few years prior to Edgebaston; he considers her another sister figure in his life. With her being at Edgebaston, she's been tight in his inner circle of friends. Seb knows he can rely on her to keep his secrets; as she's one of the few people that know the 'real' him aside of a few certain people in his circle. Like most friends, he's protective over her. [b]♫[color=3AACFF]Lucas Andrew Thorpe[/color]♫[/b] [i]'Leader of the Bro Squad'[/i] One of his sport buds. The two have easily bonded over their love for sport and despite sharing an ex; the two remained on good terms as friends. Sebastian values Lucas's friendship and would do anything for his one of his best-bro's in return. Despite both of the boys having a temper, Lucas has always been a voice of reason, when Sebastian felt his temper flare more. [b]☮[color=C482D7]Rihannon 'Ria' Jezzebelle Ray Thorpe [/color]☮[/b] [i]'Lucas's little sister, is like a sister to me too'[/i] With him being close to Ria's brother, he's looked out for Ria over the years since knowing her. Often treating her like a big brother would treat a little sister. Whilst he puts up with her bullying, he doesn't let it phase him. If she likes it or not; he's looking out for her and the choices she makes in life; not wanting her to fall in the wrong crowd. Guess he wants to save her from making similar mistakes he made in life. [b]☮[color=Cyan]Marabeth Luna Golding [/color]☮[/b] [i]'The girl is always nice to everyone'[/i] Mara has always been a pleasant and welcoming presence around the Academy. Sebastian has been helping her with Maths; becoming her private tutor and even helping her in class when she's struggling. He's made a habit of looking out for her; especially from bullies like the LaRue twins. [b]☯[color=f7941d]Oliver James Grundy[/color]☯[/b] [i]'Don't know him much, but he seems friendly'[/i] Sebastian has seen Oliver around the school grounds and at Edgebaston Hall, when he's been hanging with Lucas and Noah. The two are on friendly terms, but yet to properly know each other. Seb does notice that the boy, keeps to himself a lot. [b]☯[color=#00F9FF]Chris Andrews[/color]☯[/b] [i]'Another Newbie I think'[/i] Another new student, that has yet to be on his radar. [b][color=C3C3C3]Jasper Octavian Fray[/color][/b] [i]''[/i] [b]☯[color=98FB98]Melicia Elaine Gibbs[/color]☯[/b] [i]'Who? Don't think we've met before'[/i] Sebastian doesn't know Mel yet. [b]♫[color=SlateGray]Erik Philbert Matthews[/color]♫[/b] [i]'One of my bro's'[/i] The two first met at the Gym, shortly after Erik was a new student at Edgebaston. Bonding over their mutual likes for sports and gym, the two became friends pretty quick. With Erik being one of the Bro-Squad members; Sebastian is often seen with him and Erik, even his ex Noah hangs out with the guys. The two might have gotten into a scrap about his and Noah's break-up, but Seb was quick to fix his friendship with Erik. Respecting the other male and his fighting skills. If anyone can keep up against him; it's Erik. [b][color=82ad92]Elin Lilibeth Lewis[/color][/b] [i]'Think I've seen her around.'[/i] [b]☯[color=1a7b30]Avery Jillian Sawyer[/color]☯[/b] [i]'One of Seph's enemies. The girl seems friendly enough though'[/i] Sebastian might have flirted with Avery on a few occasions; but the girl has always shut him down in a rather polite yet flustered way. Safe to say, he enjoys flustered her so he always leaves her with a wink. When he's not flirting, he has exchanged friendly conversations with the female. [b]☯[color=97AFDB]Kevin Wu[/color]☯[/b] [i]'Don't think I know him'[/i] Sebastian's not sure if Kevin is a current student, or new. Clearly the two run in different circles. [b]☯[color=f7b9ad]Shan Tang[/color]☯[/b] [i]'Pretty smart from what I hear'[/i] [b]☯[color=662d91]Asuka Aki[/color]☯[/b] [i]'Think she's new? Haven't heard the name before'[/i] Sebastian doesn't know Asuka. Guess she's another new student this year. [b]☮[color=b8f1ff]Daphne Laurelle Valmont[/color]☮[/b] [i]'Guess saving a girl from a jerk, makes two people bond'[/i] The two weren't on each other's radar until he saved Daphne from a rude drunken jerk at a party one evening. Guess in a way she reminded him off his little sister; with them being around the same age. His protective instinct had kicked in; protecting the young female from an asshole. Since then, the two been on friendly terms. [b]💔§[color=D8BFD8]Persephone Charlotte LaRue[/color]§💔[/b] [i]'Yes we dated...not even sure why anymore'[/i] The two dated when Sebastian was in his Junior year. They might have looked happy once upon a time, but it was further from the truth half the time; It was bit of a whirlwind hot and cold romance. He tried to forgive Persephone her faults and mistakes. But eventually he got to a point where he saw through her façade and ended things. Sebastian was no longer going to be stringed along by her games. Now he regrets dating someone like her; mainly because of her bitchy/stuck up personality. He's made a habit of avoiding her since their break-up; not wanting to get sucked back into her grips somehow. [b]§[color=8BD3E6]Alistair Bastion LeRue III[/color]§[/b] [i]'Never got along with Al, not even when I was dating his sister'[/i] Him and Al have always been at odds with each other. Even more so when Sebastian dated his twin sister for a few months. Things haven't improved since his break-up with Persephone; if anything the two hating each other even more over the years. [b]☯[color=LimeGreen]Sabrina Tulu Arison[/color]☯[/b] [i]'Only know a bit about her, from my time of dating Persephone'[/i] Sebastian never mingled much with Sabrina. Even when he was dating Persephone he let the two girls have their 'girly' time, not wanting to get in the way of that. He doesn't really have anything against her, since they haven't really spent any time together for him to think otherwise. [/center] [/hider] [hr] [Hider=Extra Facts][Center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/13/b2/c8/13b2c83ab2e95e6fd3010935670a2ca4.jpg[/img][/Center][List][*]Lives in New York, Queens [*]Sebbie; A nickname from Noah. Only Noah allows to call him that.[/List][/Hider]