“I trust in her, just as I trust in you. I know the strength of her spirit. There is no doubt in my mind on how she will persevere.” Meesei answered. There was another, brief moment of hesitation from Meesei. She knew there was some unpleasantness to what she had to say next, but there would ultimately be no ignoring it. “There is…one other thing I wanted to tell you about. Warn you about, really. I imagine that in the coming months or years, after the effects of the war have started to fade, some of the more devout of Hircine will come to warn you away from the path our people are on now. They will tell you that it defies the purpose that Hircine has for his lycanthropes.” Meesei sighed. “And they will be right. Lycans represent both halves of Hircine’s sphere: Hunter and hunted. When his power flows through our veins, hunting under the moonlight, there is no predator more fearsome. But the people of Tamriel are powerful in their own right, and when we are hated and feared by them, we must always struggle to survive. But with the deals and alliances we have struck, the notion of living in peace is an actual possibility. It may take decades, but Hircine would not tolerate that forever. To be his hounds, we must be hunted as well as hunter. I do not know what form it will take; he could leave those deals in place and find some other means to test us, but one way or another, lycans will be challenged again. You should be prepared for that day.”